The Guardian (Charlottetown)

20 questions


Rebekah Brown has been an understudy to every female role in “Anne & Gilbert - The Musical.”

This year the 20-year-old from Bayside, P.E.I., is stepping into the role of Anne Shirley and is one of the youngest to do so.

“I just think about how lucky I am to play this role, and how much I adore Anne. And I plan to just let that energy come out,” Brown said in a news release announcing her casting. We asked her 20 questions. Answers may have been edited for length and clarity.

1.What is your full name?

Rebekah Elizabeth Brown.

2 . Where were you born and where do you live today?

I was born and raised in Bayside, Prince Edward Island, and currently live in downtown Charlottet­own.

3 . What is one thing you would like people to know about you?

I’m the youngest of nine kids (we all sing), I cannot read sheet music and I hate mushrooms.

4. What would people be surprised to learn about you?

In the four years that I’ve worked with the company, this is my first summer with “Anne & Gilbert” in which I’m playing a lead.

5 . What is the hardest thing you’ve ever done?

Honestly, high school math class. I’m definitely built for the arts.

6. Can you describe one experience that changed your life?

My first time being put in as Josie Pye in “Anne & Gilbert,” I won’t ever stop talking about how rewarding that experience was. I had 24 hours to learn the role before performing to a full house audience. It was so challengin­g, but such a dream as well.

7. What is your greatest indulgence?

Sweet treats. No matter what, if I need a sweet little treat as a pick me up during the day, you bet I’m getting one.

8.What is your favourite book?

I really don’t read as much as I should. I used to love the “Selection Series,” I will reread those from time to time. I did love “To Kill a Mockingbir­d” and “1984” when I was in high school, even though I didn’t read them on my own free will.

9. What is your favourite movie?

Difficult question. I feel like my favourite movie changed all the time. A classic that holds a special place in my heart is “Meet Me in St. Louis” with Judy Garland.

10. What music do you like to listen to?

When I’m not listening to musicals, I love indie pop/ rock, as well as artists like Reneé Rapp and Olivia Rodrigo.

11. How do you like to relax?

I love, love, love “Gilmore Girls.” I think I’ve watched the whole series front to back at least 10 times. A night on the couch with that and I’m set.

12. What are you reading or watching right now?

I’m a chronic show rewatcher, so I’m currently watching “Gilmore Girls” (of course) and waiting for the next season of “Bridgerton.”

13. What is your greatest fear?

Silly fear? Tall things. It’s like the opposite of a fear of heights. I can’t look up at tall things for too long. Bigger fear might be that I fear I won’t succeed. I have lots of goals for myself, and I hope I get to meet them.

14 . What is your greatest joy?

Performing and being on stage with others that love it just as much.

15 . What is your most treasured possession?

I’m not a very possessive person when it comes to objects, but I love my guitar my parents gave me for my 15th birthday. It’s a stunning Big Baby Taylor. It’s so beautiful and plays wonderfull­y.

16. What’s the best advice you got from a parent or mentor?

Breathe through it all. This was in the context of singing, but I think it just does apply to more. It’s silly and simple, but I overthink a lot. Having a moment just to sit still is important.

17 .What would you say is your best quality, and what would you say is your worst quality?

I think my best quality might be how much I can talk. I can yap for hours. I’m very good at it. My worst would probably be that I’m a backseat driver.

18. Where is your favourite place in the world?

I’ve been lucky enough to travel lots, but my favourite place in the world would have to be curled up on the couch with my boyfriend, Carter.

19. Who do you follow on social media?

Kermit the Frog, Cookie Monster and any other Jim Hansen character because why the heck do they even have social media? And why is it so cute?

20.Which three people would join you for your dream dinner party?

My three are more for entertainm­ent then anything; Reneé Rapp, Aubrey Plaza and Steve Carell.

 ?? ?? Rebekah Brown will be one of the leads in this season’s performanc­e of “Anne & Gilbert, The Musical.” LOUISE VESSEY • SPECIAL TO THE GUARDIAN
Rebekah Brown will be one of the leads in this season’s performanc­e of “Anne & Gilbert, The Musical.” LOUISE VESSEY • SPECIAL TO THE GUARDIAN

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