The Hamilton Spectator


Brennan a strong backer of drone program targeting militants in Pakistan


WASHINGTON John Brennan was headed for the Roman Catholic priesthood when, while sitting idly on a bus as a student at Fordham University in the 1970s, he stumbled on a recruiting ad for the CIA. Now, after years of poring through intelligen­ce, trekking with Mideast tribesmen and overseeing some of America’s most controvers­ial and lethal counterter­ror missions, he is pursuing a calling with just as much responsibi­lity and arguably a lot more stress as the nation’s top spy.

It is the second time that Brennan has made a run for the job as director of the Central Intelligen­ce Agency.

The stern-looking man who nonetheles­s salted a few wry quips into his brief comments Monday at the White House pulled himself out of considerat­ion in 2008 after being accused of supporting a prisoner interrogat­ion program that critics called a form of torture. Within weeks, however, President Barack Obama ensconced Brennan as his top homeland security and counterter­ror adviser, giving the veteran intelligen­ce officer a far broader portfolio — and grasp of power — than he would have had at the CIA.

Now, the White House says Brennan has since helped end the harsh programs, and wants to send him back to CIA headquarte­rs outside Washington.

“Leading the agency in which I served for 25 years would be the greatest privilege as well as the greatest responsibi­lity of my profession­al life,” Brennan, 57, said in accepting the nomination. He promised to make the agency’s highly secretive programs as transparen­t as possible, without risking security, to preserve public trust in spy games.

Until recently, it was not clear that Brennan even wanted the job. He previously had told friends and colleagues that he was eyeing retirement at the end of Obama’s first term, which he spent chasing down crises and overseeing strategy on a range of issues from drone strikes in Pakistan to the thwarted attack by so-called underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutal­lab to rampant U.S. mass shootings to the federal response to Superstorm Sandy.

He also has been dubbed the unofficial ambassador to Yemen for his frequent interplay with Sana’a over rehabilita­ting detainees from the Navy prison at Guantanamo Bay and, more urgently, burgeoning threats from local al-Qaeda militants.

Obama called Brennan, who advised his 2008 presidenti­al campaign, “one of my closest advisers” and “a great friend” whom he credited with hobbling al-Qaeda and terror threats to the U.S. “He is one of the hardestwor­king public servants I’ve ever seen,” Obama said. “I’m not sure he’s slept in four years.”

Despite his steady-as-she-goes assiduousn­ess, Brennan has not shied from scrapping with Congress, and in February 2010 chastised “too many in Washington” for letting politics get in the way of national security. Though it is believed he will be easily confirmed, he will face pointed questionin­g in the Senate about the U.S. drone program that has resulted in some civilian deaths and strained diplomacy in its pursuit of militants in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen.

He will also be needled about the interrogat­ion program that kept Brennan from heading the CIA four years ago. Brennan served in two top CIA positions and built the National Counterter­rorism Center in the years following the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks against the U.S., but since has disavowed at least some of the agency’s interrogat­ion methods, including waterboard­ing, which simulates drowning. When he withdrew his name from considerat­ion in 2008 to avoid a messy Senate confirmati­on fight, Brennan said he was not involved with the decision-making process about the program or other controvers­ial methods of curbing terrorism, including renditions — spiriting foreign suspects to nations where there are no or few laws preventing harsh interrogat­ions.

However, a year earlier when he was a private national security consultant to CBS News, where he worked after briefly retiring from the government in 2005, Brennan said the interrogat­ions program “has saved lives” because it yielded informatio­n from “the real hard-core terrorists ... hardened terrorists who have been responsibl­e for 9/11.”

Ben Rhodes, Obama’s deputy national security adviser, said he predicted the interrogat­ion issue would not be a matter of debate since Brennan helped end the program while at the White House. But Republican Sen. John McCain, a member of the Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations Committees, said Monday he plans to resurrect the matter during confirmati­on.

“I have many questions and con- cerns about his nomination to be director of the Central Intelligen­ce Agency, especially what role he played in the so-called enhanced interrogat­ion programs while serving at the CIA during the last administra­tion, as well as his public defence of those programs,” McCain said in a statement.

Senate Intelligen­ce chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, whose committee will hold hearings to consider Brennan’s nomination, said she too will pursue answers about the interrogat­ions program, which was adopted shortly after Sept. 11 during the administra­tion of president George W. Bush. But she made clear that Brennan will sail through confirmati­on: “I believe he will be a strong and positive director,” Feinstein said in a statement.

The hearings also will give senators a chance to shed new light on a program that Brennan has strongly endorsed: the targeted attacks on militant hideouts overseas by drones, or unmanned spy planes.

Brennan was the first Obama administra­tion official to publicly acknowledg­e the drone program, which he termed last April “legal,” “ethical” and “wise” despite the civilian casualties. He has described himself as fully committed to upholding moral and legal avenues to combatting terrorism and making the strategies for doing so as public as possible. Experts believed the U.S. has more than quadrupled the number of drone strikes since Obama took over from Bush.

Additional­ly, Brennan is expected to be asked about alleged Obama administra­tion leaks of classified informatio­n to reporters, which is under Justice Department investigat­ion.

If confirmed, he would return to the CIA, where he worked for 25 years, including a stint as station chief in Saudi Arabia and as president Bill Clinton’s daily intelligen­ce briefer, to bolster an agency that has been somewhat sidelined by intelligen­ce reforms following Sept. 11 and the sudden November resignatio­n of former director Gen. David Petraeus, who left after admitting to an affair with his biographer.

CIA officers and other intelligen­ce officials “need and deserve the support of all of their fellow Americans, especially at a time of such tremendous national security challenges,” Brennan said.

Despite his steady-as-she-goes assiduousn­ess, Brennan has not shied from scrapping with Congress, and in February 2010 chastised “too many in Washington” for letting politics get in the way of national security.

 ??  ?? President Barack Obama has nominated Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterter­rorism John Brennan to become the new director of the CIA.
President Barack Obama has nominated Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterter­rorism John Brennan to become the new director of the CIA.

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