The Hamilton Spectator

Don’t use paint guns on coyote: humane society

Shouting or spraying with hose enough to discourage animals

- DAVID LEA Oakville Beaver

OAKVILLE — The Oakville and Milton Humane Society is warning residents not to take matters into their own hands after someone attempted to shoot a coyote with a paint gun last Friday.

Around 2 p.m., police said a black Mercedes SUV reportedly drove towards a coyote in the area of Albion Avenue and Oakville Trafalgar High School.

When it got close enough, witnesses said, the passenger got out and fired several shots with a paint gun. The coyote fled the area. It is unclear whether the animal was hit or injured. Coyote sightings in southeast Oakville have been on the increase in recent weeks.

The town held an informatio­n meeting last week during which officials spoke about a coyote local residents have nicknamed the “OT Coyote” or “Blondie.” This coyote regularly visits the high school because students feed it.

During last week’s meeting, officials said residents should discourage coyotes from approachin­g humans by not feeding them, shouting at them or even spraying them with a hose (when available).

Laura Mackasey, an humane society animal protective services manager, says shooting the animals with a paint gun goes too far.

“In the OSPCA (Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) Act you cannot cause an animal pain or discomfort,” said Mackasey. “By shooting something with a pellet gun or a paint gun, or anything like that, that is going to wound, but not kill a coyote … that can be an offence under the OSPCA Act and there can be a charge of animal cruelty.”

Anyone convicted of a charge of animal cruelty could face up to two years in prison and fines of up to $60,000.

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