The Hamilton Spectator

Hoarding hard disorder to overcome

- DEAR ELLIE ellieadvic­

Q. My brother’s a hoarder, with $16,000 in credit card debt alone. He’s single, no children. He works in a shipping department and makes adequate money with good benefits.

His grooming’s appalling and he lives in a filthy apartment — boxes, balls of dust/ cat fur, and garbage are everywhere.

He lived with our elderly mother, who gave him thousands of dollars until she died in 2009.

He’s always been odd but previously lovable. Now he’s always angry and resentful.

I’ve tried to be supportive, along with our other brother, who’s tried to keep him on a budget and paid his bills for him. Months ago he refused to even empty his mailbox of bills.

He was recently threatened with eviction when the superinten­dent entered the apartment to replace a toilet.

He was given three days to clean up, and he panicked. But he wouldn’t part with anything. The issue’s still being fought.

He refuses to get a psychiatri­c assessment. He has some level of autism and obsessive compulsive disorder (I am a nurse). Where can I get help?

A. Hoarding’s one of the most difficult behaviour disorders to change.

You may, unfortunat­ely, find that it’s a crisis issue, e.g. an eviction, which upsets him enough to require hospitaliz­ation for anxiety/depression, etc. That’s when mental health profession­als will be involved.

A plan may then be put into place, which may even include his brother getting power of attorney over his finances to forestall more debt.

It won’t be easy to deal with, but he’s lucky to have two siblings involved and caring about him.

Dear readers: If you’ve had experience with a hoarder in the family, send in your stories and any helpful suggestion­s.

I can’t recover from breakup

Q. I went through a painful breakup a year ago, and haven’t recovered. I spend sleepless nights thinking about my ex-partner.

He decided to end our relationsh­ip since he didn’t see a future for us (mostly due to our age difference). I was very shocked and saddened.

I still think about the “what ifs ...” because I still love him very much.

I’ve tried my best to move on. My profession­al life is better than ever, and I have a strong support system of family and friends.

I’m learning to put my values and myself first, regarding doing new things and dating new people. I even moved apartments, and took up a new hobby. However, I still think about him every day and my heart can’t take it any more!

I haven’t contacted him at all since our breakup, but I’ve admittedly “creeped” him, and learned that he’s in a new relationsh­ip now.

It hurts so much to know he’s with another woman. I want to respect his decision, but I also want to be selfish and tell him that I still love him.

Does he feel the same way? Does he really love this new woman the way he did me? Should I contact him? Or should I just let this go?

A. “Creeping” him is disturbing­ly close to stalking — following his life through his profile updates on Facebook, etc. Reacting to this by reaching out to him, could truly creep him out.

If you want him to respect you, do not contact him. Continue to rely on your supportive people and successful work, to move forward with your life.

Hanging onto “what-ifs” is a waste of time and energy. It leads to feeling needy and acting desperate.

He’s over it. Confrontin­g him would only be more hurtful and self-defeating.

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