The Hamilton Spectator



HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Wednesday, June 22, 2016: This year you will have the advantage of several different traits that will help you in your life. You will be practical, precise and determined, yet you also will think outside the box and will have no problem breaking patterns. If you are single, you intrigue many people. Others want to get to know you better. Take your time. If you are attached, the two of you enjoy each other on a one-on-one level. Make a point of scheduling lots of couple time together. Aquarius encourages you to go down a new path. The stars show the kind of day you’ll have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

You have the drive and followthro­ugh to get where you want to go. You might not be aware of how provocativ­e you can be. If you are the recipient of any hostility, understand that it could have to do with someone being jealous of you.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

You might want to say something to a close friend, but opt not to as you realize this person might read your comments as jealousy. You gain insight into how another person reacts; you might not be comfortabl­e with what you are seeing.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

You can see through a friend’s reactions. Know that this doesn’t mean you need to give this person any feedback. Later in the day, you’ll want to address a matter involving those at a distance.

CANCER ( June 21-July 22)

Others have been dominant as of late. As a result, you could have difficulty putting in your two cents. Make it clear that you need to have a discussion with someone in your life who is very important. A one-on-one chat proves to be far more fluid.

LEO ( July 23-Aug. 22)

Decide to rid yourself of as much as you can today. You will want to be free later in the day. You could be overwhelme­d by trying to squeeze too much into a few hours. Unexpected news comes your way. Adjust accordingl­y, and it will work out.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You have an unusual gift of coming up with solutions from out of left field. You have a strong sense of what you want to accomplish and what can be accomplish­ed right now. Curb a desire to take off early in the day.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Don’t indulge a desire to cocoon right now. You have a lot on your plate and no time to fool around. Be more observant of others, or else you might be surprised by someone’s actions. This person’s body language speaks volumes.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You could be a bit tired of seeing the same old patterns emerge. Someone has a unique and not necessaril­y agreeable way of communicat­ing. This person is unlikely to change. Accept this fact, and you will be a lot more content in your interactio­ns.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You might want to consider an offer that comes in from out of left field and involves your finances. As good as it may look, someone might be leaving out a key detail. Your sense of humour will come into play when you realize the mistake.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Continue being a little self-indulgent. However, if you are going to worry about everything while you’re off doing what you want, then reconsider. You have the skills and the efficiency to do what is needed and also take some time to yourself. AQUARIUS ( Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Be ready to take your day in a new direction. Just because you have plans does not mean you have to turn down an opportunit­y to make more desirable choices. A surprise could head your way that prompts a change in your schedule.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

You will draw in much more of what you want. Touch base with someone at a distance who means a lot to you. As a result, you will feel far more content. Recognize that you don’t have time for daydreamin­g; focus on what needs to be done.

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