The Hamilton Spectator

Wife just needs some alone time

- DEAR ELLIE Q. ellieadvic­

Q. I’m mid-30s, married to a woman I love, and we have two children. My family’s always been close, my younger brother and I were taken everywhere my parents went, and all our vacations were with the whole family.

As a father of two daughters, I still enjoy day trips and vacations along with their grandparen­ts, but my wife doesn’t like always being with my parents.

If I join them for an outing, she finds an excuse not to come. (She’s never rude in person.) She does come along on the big holidays when my brother also joins with his wife and sons. We’ve travelled to different places en masse, and camped or rented a house.

The kids especially love being with their cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparen­ts.

My parents can’t understand why my wife stays home from some get-togethers. I find it uncomforta­ble trying to explain that she just wants some alone time, but my mother feels hurt sometimes.

She’s always been very outgoing and has many friends who love her company. She’s a good sport whatever we do, very fit for her age, ready to try new things. Yet she sometimes feels rejected by her daughter-in-law.

What can I do to bring the two women I love closer?

A. Let your wife know that she is your No. 1 preferred companion.

Make sure you have time together, just the two of you, and some family time with just your daughters.

A happy, loving younger couple is what the grandparen­ts should be pleased to see, and also understand your need for privacy.

Big vacations with extended family of three generation­s are great opportunit­ies for learning family history, and sharing memorable times.

Since your wife goes along willingly, she also appreciate­s their value. However, an outgoing, gregarious mother-in-law can be a daunting force (no matter how wellmeanin­g) to your wife who’s a quieter person who needs alone time.

Love them both, and respect their difference­s. Don’t let this be talked up by either side.

Get out of the “middle” by not talking this up or worrying it into a bigger issue.

It’s never too late to apologize

I’m a man, mid-50s. My mother died last year and my sister was the executor of the will.

While my brother, sister, and I were settling the will (which was taking a long time, but finally settled thanks to my wife), my wife had come home and got in an argument with my sister, whose side I took in the matter.

I later realized my wife was not at fault. My sister tends to be hypersensi­tive.

I probably totally destroyed my marital relationsh­ip!

I recently started my own business and was hoping my wife wouldn’t have to work so hard now. But I don’t know how to fix the situation ... Or if it’s even possible.

A. It’s never too late to apologize, especially when you already believe that you were in the wrong.

Say so. Tell your wife that it was an intense and emotional time among your three siblings, while dealing with your mother’s will. When she came home, you were still immersed with them and reacted to your sister’s sensitive nature. But you deeply regret doing so.

Tell your wife how much you appreciate her part in settling the will, and all the work she’s done. Hopefully, she’ll forgive you. Even if that happens, you might suggest that, with the changes from your new business, and your mother’s death, couples’ counsellin­g might help your relationsh­ip.

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