The Hamilton Spectator

Key considerat­ions for family friendly bathroom renovation­s


Mom rules the media room, Johnny loves the basement workshop and the kitchen is Dad's domain. Gender roles notwithsta­nding, each family member has one room where he or she enjoys spending more time.

One room, however, is equally used and loved – or reviled – by all: the bathroom.

If you've decided to renovate a bathroom that no one wants to use, it's important to keep family-friendly upgrades in mind.

Many households are multi-generation­al – with grandparen­ts, parents and children living under one roof – according to the U.S. Census Bureau. It's more important than ever to keep the needs of all family members in mind when undertakin­g a renovation project, especially in a key room like the bathroom.

Here are a few areas for attention when you're upgrading a bathroom for the whole family:


If your family has older members, grab bars in the shower are necessary for safety. They can also be helpful for youngsters learning to manage the shower on their own. A safer shower doesn't end with grab bars, however.

Have you ever considered the safety – not to mention ease of use – of the shower door?

New technology from Sterling improves the usability and safety of an oftenoverl­ooked part of the shower experience – the door track.

Since durability and cleaning ease are essential in bathrooms that see a lot of use from multiple generation­s, consider a shower unit that installs without the hassle of caulking, reduces leak risks and reduce maintenanc­e and cleaning time.

To further enhance safety in the shower, install slip-resistant flooring and consider a device that prevents unexpected temperatur­e changes – and potential scalding – in showers and faucets.


Like any room in your home, the bathroom benefits from layers of lighting. Overhead lighting should keep the room well illuminate­d for showering and bathing, when you need more light. Lighting around and/or above the mirror is essential for detail work, like applying makeup or shaving.

You'll also want sources of gentler light for nighttime bathroom visits. Keeping lights low can help make it easier for bathroom users – especially young children – to return to sleep.

Dimmers control the intensity of overhead lights, or a simple nightlight may be sufficient to preserve safety and sleep. Natural light can be a welcome addition to a bathroom.

Privacy is always a concern, so consider window frosting or even a skylight to admit natural light while preserving modesty.


In bathrooms where people share space, it's important to make everyone feel at home. Giving each person a dedicated storage spot (such as a shelf, cubby or a cabinet bin beneath the vanity) ensures he or she will feel at home and the bathroom will stay organized.

You can further enhance the welcoming feeling by including personal touches like monogramme­d towels, his-and-hers accessorie­s or even framed art created by the kids.

The kitchen will probably remain the heart of the home, but the bathroom will never lose its vital spot in the lives of many families. If you renovate yours with an eye toward making it more family-friendly, your home-improvemen­t dollars will be well spent – and your family happier. (BPT)

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