The Hamilton Spectator

Patients love these visitors

Visit from miniature horses puts smiles on faces at Hamilton General’s rehab centre


The bond between patient and horse formed instantly when Trigger and his equine pals paid the Regional Rehabilita­tion Centre a visit.

“They’re beautiful horses,” said Robert (Gibby) Gibson while feeding Trigger a piece of apple on Tuesday. “I can’t get over how good they are.”

Gibson, 72, of Caledonia, is recovering from a truck accident. He got to see the miniature horses on his very first day at the rehab centre, and can’t wait to have his grandkids around the next time.

The horses’ afternoon appearance in the rehab centre courtyard was arranged by Zachary’s Paws for Healing. Patients from three floors were brought down, a few at a time, to see, pet, brush and feed the horses treats.

“I love it,” says Jared Armstrong, who was visiting his brother Jamie at the centre. “It’s the best therapy you can do, animals.”

Jamie, 24, who suffered a brain injury after falling down a set of stairs, is “an animal guy,” says his brother.

Jared drives in from Blenheim with his mother every second day to see Jamie.

Patient Tara Whitaker, 38, one of the few on this day who was not in a wheelchair, seemed to be in her element walking the horses around the courtyard and deftly brushing them.

“They make me happy,” she says, adding she once owned a horse herself. “I love animals, and they’re very beautiful … they make my day a lot better.”

Brenda Elkins, who owns Trigger, says the horses love to give back to the patients.

“They’re hypersensi­tive … they are very much aware if someone is hurting physically or emotionall­y. They want to connect with that person. It’s a very mutual connection,” she says. “They get as much out of it as the patients.”

Trigger is a Shetland pony. Elkins’ other visiting horse, Scarlett, is a cross between a miniature horse and a pony.

The other two stars of the day were Raven, with her shiny black coat, and Trooper, both miniature horses. Their owner, Lynn Cree, says, “It’s so much fun just to see all the patients smile.”

Zachary’s Paws for Healing is a volunteer-run program facilitati­ng pet visits to patients on referral at Juravinski and Hamilton General hospitals. It has so far arranged and facilitate­d 180 pet visits to patients since starting last November.

It has been providing therapy dog visits every Tuesday at the rehab centre’s acquired brain injury units for four months.

“It was a hit,” says the Rehab Centre’s Kara Thomson about the start of therapy dog visits. “My God, the change in the patients, the expression on their faces, the smiles and the joy the animals brought.”

Zachary’s Paws also provides foster care for patients who don’t have anyone to look after their pets during their hospital stay.

Zachary’s Paws founder, Donna Jenkins, said the dog therapy visits at the rehab centre are to encourage speech and mobility as well as give patients a chance for some humananima­l bonding.

Tuesday’s courtyard animal visit, however, was a special occasion, one Jenkins hopes she can arrange for again in October.

I love animals, and they’re very beautiful … they make my day a lot better. TARA WHITAKER HOSPITAL PATIENT

 ??  ?? Sherry Carpenter shares some apple with Trooper at the Regional Rehabilita­tion Centre at Hamilton General on Tuesday.
Sherry Carpenter shares some apple with Trooper at the Regional Rehabilita­tion Centre at Hamilton General on Tuesday.
 ?? CATHIE COWARD, THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR ?? Jared Armstrong of Blenheim helps his brother Jamie brush Raven, one of the miniature horses that visited residents Tuesday at the Regional Rehabilita­tion Centre at Hamilton General Hospital.
CATHIE COWARD, THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR Jared Armstrong of Blenheim helps his brother Jamie brush Raven, one of the miniature horses that visited residents Tuesday at the Regional Rehabilita­tion Centre at Hamilton General Hospital.

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