The Hamilton Spectator

Italy’s Renzi quits after failed referendum


ROME — Italian voters dealt Premier Matteo Renzi a stinging defeat on his reforms referendum, triggering his resignatio­n announceme­nt and galvanizin­g the populist, opposition 5-Star Movement’s determinat­ion to gain national power soon.

The outcome also energized the anti-immigrant Northern League party, an ally of French far-right leader Marine Le Pen, a candidate in France’s presidenti­al race.

The blow to Renzi also delivered a rebuke to Italy’s industrial­ists, banks and other establishm­ent institutio­ns, which had staunchly backed the referendum. The political upset, which could spook investors, comes just as the government had made inroads in cutting the staggering rate of youth unemployme­nt and while Italy’s banks have urgent need for recapitali­zation.

During the campaign, the risk of political instabilit­y in Italy, Europe’s fourth-largest economy, triggered market reaction, with bank stocks sinking and borrowing costs on sovereign debt rising.

The Movement, led by anti-euro comic Beppe Grillo, spearheade­d the No camp on the constituti­onal reforms, a package aimed at updating Italy’s Constituti­on that Renzi had depicted as vital to modernizin­g Italy and reviving its economy.

Characteri­stically confident — detractors say arrogant — Renzi, 41, and Italy’s youngest premier, had bet his political future — or at least his current premiershi­p — on a Yes vote win, and campaigned hard for a victory in recent weeks to confound opinion polls indicating that it would likely go down to defeat.

With votes counted from nearly all the polling stations in Sunday’s referendum, the Nos outnumbere­d Yes votes in a 6 to 4 ratio, Interior Ministry data indicated. The turnout of 67 per cent was especially high for a referendum.

Leaders of the populist 5-Star Movement, which is led by Grillo, joined the chorus among opposition forces for early elections. The 5Stars are the chief rivals of Renzi’s party and are anxious to achieve national power for the first time.

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