The Hamilton Spectator

The Dolphin Way

Chapter 15: The Great Escape


Determined to find a way to help his mother escape, Mattie spends many hours examining the site in which she is enclosed. When Mattie sees Robbie, his human friend, he feels certain that with Robbie’s help his mother will be saved. What Mattie does not know however, is that the owner of this place has never let a dolphin go and that he keeps the dolphins until they die.

“I have seen how this works, l just never cared before. I mean I was always sad when a dolphin died, but it was just a dolphin.” As Jessica uttered those words she saw that Robby was walking away from her in disgust. She felt ashamed that she had had so little understand­ing and compassion for the dolphins. She didn’t want Robby to be disgusted with her. She needed to let him know that now she got it. She understood that these creatures were much more special than she had previously thought. She had to do something to make it right.

Jessica found Robby sitting on the rocks the next morning. He didn’t say anything to her when she sat down. She took a deep breath and apologized and then she explained how she had begged her parents to let the sick dolphin go to her son. “They didn’t care about what I had to say though Robby. All they wanted to know was where they could find Starlight. I am frightened for Starlight’s safety Robby.”

Robby continued to stare out across the ocean waters. “I talked to my mom and dad about it last night too Jessica. I asked them to buy her and give her back to the ocean and Starlight. But they don’t have enough money left. They promised to try and talk to your dad but they didn’t hold out much hope. They are afraid that if they push it, Starlight might be added to the tanks and that is not the way they want to reunite mother and son.”

Robby looked at Jessica then, “I feel like I am letting Starlight down Jessica. My mother said I am only one person and I can’t expect to do anything about this by myself.”

Jessica stared at the ocean as well. But her tone was different this time.

“One person! ...but Robby there are two of us! Why didn’t I think of it before! I can’t do it alone but with your help I can do it!” In her excitement, she was standing and pulling on Robby to get up.

“What are you talking about?” Robby was staring at Jessica as he started to rise.

“Boy! Oh boy! I don’t even want to think how many years I am going to be grounded. I may be an old woman by the time you see me again but it will have been worth it! Come with me!” Jessica wasn’t pulling Robby anymore. They were both running.

Finally when she slowed down it was at the fish tanks. The morning tourist swims with the dolphins had already started.

“Watch the tanks, watch the gates and watch the levers that open the gates. Watch them as if your friend’s mother’s life depends on it. I know how they work. But I can’t do it alone. I am not strong enough and it takes two people. If we pull this off my parents and your parents will know by tomorrow that we did it and we will be in a lot of trouble. But I don’t care. All I care about is letting her out of here to be with Starlight again. Are you willing to face the consequenc­es Robby?”

He was now staring intently at how the levers and gates and chutes worked in moving the dolphins in and out of the swimming tanks from the holding tanks. For the first time he noticed that none of the tanks or chutes connected directly to the ocean. He turned to Jessica whose eyes were still focused on the dolphins. She seemed to be concentrat­ing with her whole mind. Then Robby saw why. Starlight’s mother was in the first group.

“They bring her out first because she tires so easily. I am hoping that she is reading my mind. Send all your thoughts to her and tell her we are going to help her tonight. She must know her son is here. They will have already communicat­ed. Dolphins do that. We can too! We can at least try.” Jessica turned again to the area where Starlight’s mother was.

“Look! Look!” said Jessica pointing. Robby saw it too. Starlight’s mother was nodding at them!

“But Jessica how are we going to do this? There is no way to get her through to the ocean!” sighed Robby.

“The sluices. The trainers open them to exchange the water. The old water is drained out and fresh ocean water flows in. It’s our only real chance. We will have to open the gates and get her to the sluices first. Then we will have to get into the place that controls this. My dad has the keys. I’m not sure which key it is, but at least they are all on the same ring that he hangs in his office every night. And we’ll figure it out. Are you o.k. with doing this at night Robbie?” Jessica questioned.

Robbie couldn’t even reply before Jessica began prattling on again in an excited voice. “There is only one night guard that we really have to worry about. I’m thinking that somehow you should convince your parents that you don’t want to stay any longer and that you are coming to say goodbye to me and then you want to leave. I really think it would be better if you are not here when my parents find out in the morning what has happened.”

“Robby! Robby! Where are you? We haven’t got time for daydreamin­g here. My spare time forever is already vanishing as I think about the consequenc­es for this! But it is worth it! Just pay attention!” Jessica continued.

Robby wished he had a pen and paper with which to write everything down. He didn’t want to mess up tonight. He was pretty sure he understood everything!

They were to meet at 02 hundred hours. He wished she had said two in the morning instead. That would have saved Robby the embarrassm­ent of having to ask if that was what she meant. He thought he was right but he was darned if he was going to screw up because of something as stupid as arriving at the wrong time!

Robby’s parents were more than understand­ing when he appealed to them that he wanted to wake up somewhere else. They had already planned the next leg of their journey and were eager to get there.

They met at 02 hundred hours where they had planned. Robby could hear the jingle of the keys before he saw Jessica. He hoped the night guard was making his rounds on the other side of the property so he wouldn’t hear the noise.

Everything went as planned right up to getting Starlight’s mother to the sluice area. Then the keys came out! Robby’s mouth dropped open as he stared dumbfounde­d at the large, brass ring Jessica held in her hand. It held hundreds of keys! She had to be kidding! They could not only be here all night but well into the next week before she found the right one!

Jessica was sitting down now and using the moonlight to go through and look at each key. Robby couldn’t stop himself. He let out a soft groan. That got Jessica’s attention. All he got was a SHHHHHH! She returned to the keys. Then she got up and started to try them in the keyhole. He was to be the lookout.

To Robby, the minutes passing by seemed like hours. Then he heard it. A click! She’d done it! Jessica was in, she was actually in! He knelt down and watched as the sluice started to open. He immediatel­y opened the gate with the lever. The tank water was gushing out the top while the new water from the ocean was coming in from below. And with the old water, Starlight’s mother was carried out and into the freedom of the ocean. As soon as Robby saw her go he knocked three times on the wall.

Everything stopped as quickly as it started. Dripping water by the sluice gate was the only thing that showed what had just happened. Robby couldn’t believe it had all gone so well and happened so quickly!

Jessica and Robby headed towards the rocks by the shore. They stood on the rocks and peered out at the sea hoping to catch a glimpse of Starlight’s mother. They looked in the direction from which they could hear squeals and whistles. and they were surprised to see four dolphins silhouette­d in the moonlight looking at them and nodding. Then Starlight and his mother swam together getting as close as they could to Robby and Jessica. Both Robby and Jessica sensed the love, happiness and gratitude that Starlight and his mother felt.

And then, as quickly as they had come, Starlight and his mother turned and swam quickly away. It was as if they knew that it was dangerous to be this close to Dolphin Haven.

Robby turned to Jessica and hugged her tight. “We did it Jessica. How can I ever thank you?”

“No need to thank me Robby. It is I who should be thanking you for you have helped me see through new eyes! I understand more about dolphins now. I will never again say, ‘it is just a dolphin.’ I know now that dolphins have feelings and that if we try, we can communicat­e with them.”

“To know a dolphin, is to love a dolphin.” Robby stated simply but clearly.

“I understand that now,” agreed Jessica. “The sun will be up soon Robby. You must get back to your boat and go. And I have to get back home to await what I must face. Just know no matter what, it is worth it to me to have freed one dolphin. I wish I could have saved them all.”

They parted then, promising to e-mail each other. Tears were running down both their cheeks as they walked away. They were tears of happiness and also tears of sadness. .

As Jessica rounded the bend in the lane by her home her breath caught in her throat. There in the lighted doorway stood her Father and Mother. Next Time: The End and a New Beginning

 ?? To view the augmented reality content ?? for this story download the FREE app to any mobile device. Find the app at http://the-dolphin-way. com. Then, open the app on your device and hold your device steady over the illustrati­on. Be prepared to be amazed!
To view the augmented reality content for this story download the FREE app to any mobile device. Find the app at http://the-dolphin-way. com. Then, open the app on your device and hold your device steady over the illustrati­on. Be prepared to be amazed!

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