The Hamilton Spectator

Wynne suggests Ontario OK with tolls on highways


Ontario’s opposition parties warn the Liberal government will pay a political price if it approves tolls on two major highways leading into downtown Toronto.

Progressiv­e Conservati­ve Leader Patrick Brown wants the Liberals to reject tolls on the Don Valley Parkway and Gardiner Expressway, and said he’d rescind any such provincial approval if the Tories win the 2018 election.

Brown said last week’s auditor general’s report showing Ontario spent hundreds of millions of dollars extra because of poor oversight of road and transit projects shows tolls wouldn’t be needed if the Liberals were better managers.

“If (Premier) Kathleen Wynne wasn’t building bridges upside down, repaving roads every two years when it should be 15 years, we wouldn’t be having this debate,” he said Tuesday.

“By allowing these tolls to go ahead, she’s asking 905 commuters and 416 drivers to pay for her mistakes.”

In the legislatur­e, Brown pointed out that Wynne opposed road tolls five years ago when she was transporta­tion minister and asked if she would block tolls from being imposed on the two Toronto highways.

Instead of a direct answer, Wynne attacked the Conservati­ves for disrespect­ing municipali­ties when they were last in government, and suggested the Liberals would not block any official request from Toronto for road tolls.

“It’s not surprising that the leader of the Opposition — who has no plan for building transit or for building transporta­tion infrastruc­ture, and no plan for where the funding would come from — would be calling on to us take unilateral action against the city of Toronto,” said Wynne. “We’re not going to do that.”

Toronto Mayor John Tory’s office put out a release accusing Brown of trying to “score cheap political points” by opposing tolls as a revenue tool for the city.

“It’s a smart, prudent, fiscally conservati­ve plan, something the Ontario PCs used to get behind,” said Tory’s spokespers­on, Amanda Galbraith.

Transporta­tion Minister Steven Del Duca said the province “will carefully review” any proposal that has Toronto city council support, and dismissed the Tories’ attacks.

“The last time they were in power, their transporta­tion policy for the GTHA was to sell Highway 407 and to kill the Eglinton subway,” said Del Duca.

The New Democrats oppose road tolls that they warn will make life even more unaffordab­le and said both the federal and provincial government­s must provide a lot more funding for municipal transit systems. “We’ve seen an abandonmen­t by the other orders of government when it comes to helping municipali­ties with transit funding,” said NDP Leader Andrea Horwath.

Del Duca said the Liberals aren’t worried about a voter backlash in the next election if they end up approving road tolls in Toronto.

“I believe the people of this region will judge us in 2018 according to how we’ve delivered on the mandate they’ve given us,” he said.

Brown introduced a motion opposing tolls on existing roads or highways that will come up for a vote Thursday.

Tory said a $2 toll would raise about $200 million a year to help transit funding and split the cost between Toronto taxpayers and the 40 per cent of commuters from outside the city who use the DVP and Gardiner daily.

 ?? CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? Vehicles makes their way into and out of downtown Toronto along the Gardiner Expressway in Toronto recently.
CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO Vehicles makes their way into and out of downtown Toronto along the Gardiner Expressway in Toronto recently.

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