The Hamilton Spectator

The Dolphin Way

Chapter 16: The End And A New Beginning


Convinced that Awalix will die if not reunited with her son, and despite the potential consequenc­es from her parents, Jessica realizes setting Awalix free is the right thing to do. Jessica works with Robby to develop a plan to free Starlight’s mother. At 0200 hours the pair put their plans in motion and Awalix is freed.

As Mattie and Awalix swam away from the rocks Mattie clicked his happiness to his mother. She was weak but so filled with joy and love that she fed off of his energy as the two took off. Right now getting as far away as possible from this place could make the difference between freedom and captivity. Awalix swam in her son’s slipstream marveling at how much her young son had grown since the last time she saw him.

When word spread that Mattie had freed Awalix there would be great rejoicing. Another seemingly impossible feat had been accomplish­ed by the son of Polaris Jack. The story would be told and retold until all knew it. Mattie’s fame was growing and stories of his feats were becoming known around the world.

Mattie was not thinking about any of this. His only thoughts were for his mother and helping her heal and strengthen. Mattie loved swimming with his mother again, but he could not relax the way he used to. He found himself always waiting for something…he didn’t know what it was… something that would take her away again perhaps? Something that would take him away again? In the back of his mind crouched the fear that he would turn and she would disappear, that the others would be gone too and that he would wake up and it would all be a dream. He had to touch her, swim around her and under and above her to reassure himself that she was truly free and truly there with him. He could never seem to relax and take her presence for granted the way he had in the past.

The life giving waters of the ocean and the clean air with the sun on her back filled Awalix with new energy. But nothing could heal her heart and soul the way being with her beloved son did. They were now traveling beside each other. As the kilometres increased so did the feeling of safety. They were able to slow down now. As they did so, Mattie hear a familiar signature whistle. It was Jo Jo!

“I told you our paths would cross again Mattie,” said Jo Jo as he appeared with his pod. “We heard about you finding and then helping your mother escape and we just had to come to see how you and your mother were doing. We came not because you needed us or we needed you but just because we wanted to see you.”

Friends for no advantage thought Mattie. The appearance of Jo Jo and his pod was proof positive of the philosophy by which dolphins lived – supporting and helping without expecting anything in return.

“Yeah, we made lightning speed if you ask me too!” Bruizer added.

Jo Jo invited them then, to join with their pod and travel the oceans together.

Poindexter and Kayote happily accepted. Awalix did not accept immediatel­y and motioned to Mattie. She wanted to speak with Mattie privately away from the others. They swam away from the newly formed pod.

“Mattie, you must continue with them but I am going back!” his mother said quietly. She continued quickly, knowing the shocking effect her words were having on her son. “I am not going back to where I was! Never would I go there! What they do is wrong and how they treat the dolphins is wrong! But I did learn something while I was there. If we are going to make a difference in this world we must do it together, not by ourselves. Just as you love Robby and Jessica and they love you. I have learned there are others like them. Throughout all time there have been others like them. Others that care. And I did meet some of them while I was trapped in that horrid place. I heard of a place where dolphins are loved and cared for. In this place they teach people to respect and care about us. They work with us. They are beginning to recognize our abilities; our healing abilities for example. They are learning that dolphins can help make a difference. Mattie, time is running out and we must all work together to save these oceans, this air, and this planet. We must connect with those that care. I know that my destiny is intertwine­d with that of the people in this place. I am to be a messenger to the people that dolphins are their friends. We are helpers. This place I go to understand­s that we must work as partners if we are going to help each other.

You can even come and visit me whenever you want. You will see that it is a good place I go to. The Head Lady there communes with the dolphins as do the special ones that work with her. She is good and kind and loves the dolphins. There is one who is called the Night Watchman, another who is called the Father and another called the Communicat­or. I also go to see the one they call the Mermaid. This lady and the ‘mermaid’ want to make a difference and they will. They now know we are a part of their destiny. We are partners with them.”

Awalix went on. “Mattie, as we grow we must each find our own destiny. Both Jo Jo and I have now chosen ours and many years ago, your father, Polaris Jack chose his. Although it took him away from us, he knew, and I knew, it had to happen for him to be able to fulfill his destiny and make a difference in this world. I did not tell you about your father before because I did not want you to think you had to follow his path. Although by being his son you are part of his path and his life’s journey, I wanted you to be free to choose your own path. Know this. Everything happens for a reason and everything you have been through has a purpose. Think on this and you will find your own destiny.”

Mattie clicked to his mother that he would be back. He swam away from her slowly with a hundred and one thoughts swirling through his mind. He wondered how he could say goodbye again when he had just said hello. Then he realized he was not saying goodbye. She said that now she was going to a good place. He would be able to visit her whenever he wanted to. She was strong now. He didn’t have to worry about her being looked after. He swam back to her.

“May I travel with you to this place?” he asked.

“Of course,” replied Awalix, “and then you will see how very differentl­y these people treat us and care for us. I have heard it is a beautiful place that has stayed the same for millions of years. The people there understand the importance of that and take pride in it!”

Awilix waited while Mattie went to share the news with the others. They all signaled their love and well wishes.

The distance to this new place wasn’t great and they were there within the day. The place was as beautiful as Awalix had been told. There were many inlets and the water was warm and turquoise. It was filled with beautiful fish. It was morning and the ocean was greeting the land with crashing waves against the rocks. There stood a woman. She was looking out over the ocean. Her short blonde hair was blowing. Her tanned skin showing the hours spent outside.

“There she is! They say she goes there every morning to greet the new day!” clicked his mother excitedly.

She turned to Mattie. “I will be alright! You will hear my signature whistle on the wind every night when you call to the moon. And I will listen for yours, my love. You will be with Jo Jo, Poindexter and Kayote traveling the oceans!”

“No Mother, I have decided that my destiny is not with Jo Jo’s pod. I feel it is out there somewhere else! I feel I am being called somehow and pulled to travel in a different direction. And to discover my destiny I must start by finding my father. I must meet Polaris Jack mother. I would like to get to know my father.”

“Then you must go to the oldest and wisest dolphin in the oceans. He is known to live where the BIG LAND sank into the oceans. He will teach you many things and also guide you to finding Polaris Jack,” Mattie’s mother clicked. “Off you go my son to pursue your destiny. I will think of you often.”

Knowing his mother was safe, Mattie turned then and began swimming away. He knew not what lay ahead of him but he was convinced that only in finding his father would his destiny become clear. Finding the sunken BIG LAND was his first step in that quest.

Mattie looked back then and leaped high in the air twirling in farewell to his mother and his past.

The End

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content for this story download the FREE app to any mobile device. Find the app at http:// the-dolphin-way. com. Then, open the app on your device and hold your device steady over the illustrati­on. Be prepared to be amazed!
To view the augmented reality content for this story download the FREE app to any mobile device. Find the app at http:// the-dolphin-way. com. Then, open the app on your device and hold your device steady over the illustrati­on. Be prepared to be amazed!

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