The Hamilton Spectator

New laser technology stops the progressio­n of hair loss and promotes regrowth

Burlington clinic one of the few places to offer the state-of-the-art Illumiwave™


Advanced Rejuvenati­on Medical Spa

425 Locust Street, Burlington 905-340-0401 www.restoringn­aturalbeau­

It’s a fact: 40 per cent of men have noticeable hair loss by age 35, and 65 per cent have lost hair by the age of 60. And men aren’t the only ones who suffer: female pattern baldness, and certainly the condition of thinning hair, is among the major aesthetic concerns of pre- and postmenopa­usal women.

The cause is simple: as we age, and as hormone levels fluctuate, blood supply within the scalp to the hair follicle becomes increasing­ly limited. As blood flow to the follicle is reduced, the hair begins to weaken and can eventually die. To stop this regression, the follicle requires increased blood flow carrying proteins and nutrients.

Until now, the only two options for people who want to do something about their thinning hair have been transplant surgery, which is extremely expensive and may or may not look natural when completed, and drugs, which offer a myriad of sometimes dangerous and/or painful side effects, and no guarantee of success.

But now there is another option. It’s not a cure for baldness, but this new technology,

Laser Bio Stimulatio­n, is making headlines in the ongoing battle against thinning hair.

This procedure, delivered via the illumiWave™, has been gaining popularity south of the border, and Advanced Rejuvenati­on Medical Spa, located at 425 Locust Street in downtown Burlington, is now pleased to offer the treatment to clients.

For Bill, an extremely satisfied client, Laser Bio Stimulatio­n has completely transforme­d his life.

“I used to feel really self-conscious about my hair loss and felt like everyone could see my scalp through my hair. I started the Illumiwave treatments and within a few weeks, I could see a difference.”

“My hair looks much thicker and fuller,” he says. “My hair dresser claims you have done a great job on my hair. It’s coming back very well.”

Most importantl­y, the treatment has had positive results on his overall wellbeing.

“My whole family has noticed the change in my hair; also the change in me.”

For Eric, being in his late twenties and undergoing the treatment, it was more of a preventati­ve measure.

“After four months my hair thickness and growth has gotten back to a stage of where it was in my late teens and early 20’s. It is never too early to start, you will be glad you did.”

Dr. Rose Jeans has owned and operated Advanced Rejuvenati­on for the past six years.

“When I heard about the potential for this technology to improve the quality, thickness and healthy appearance of thinning hair, I jumped on the opportunit­y right away.”

The process of Laser BioStimula­tion is simple, and when compared to the cost of a quality transplant, very affordable. Clients simply sit comfortabl­y under a laser delivering low-level therapy for 20 minutes per session. As the sessions progress, the stimulatio­n helps cells regenerate into newer healthier cells. The proteins and nutrients found in the new cells help feed the hair follicle through the scalp’s blood supply.

It can take from between three to eight months for results to be noticeable. Hair loss generally stops within the first three months of use, and any new hair growth begins in the second three months.

“With the increased nourishmen­t provided to the follicle, your chances to increase the number of hairs on the scalp improve the healthy appearance, thickness and overall quality of the hair follicle also increase greatly,” Dr. Jeans explains. “It’s a time commitment. Studies show that the more frequently you use the machine – every few days is ideal – the better the results will be.”

“We generally recommend a 52- week protocol, with two sessions a week for eight weeks, one session a week for 16 weeks, and then biweekly sessions for six months,” she adds.

Jeans is also quick to stress that this technology will not work for every client. “If there is complete baldness, meaning no hair follicle left at all, the procedure can not grow hair. This technology will benefit only those small, weak hairs that still have a living follicle.”

Dr. Jeans conducts a rigorous compliment­ary consultati­on with clients before determinin­g if they are candidates for the IllumiWave™.

For before and after photos, plus more study results, visit For more informatio­n about Advanced Rejuvenati­on Medical

Spa, call 905-340-0401 or visit www.restoringn­aturalbeau­

 ??  ?? Dr. Rose Jeans performs the IllumiWave™ procedure on a client.
Dr. Rose Jeans performs the IllumiWave™ procedure on a client.
 ??  ?? BEFORE
 ??  ?? AFTER

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