The Hamilton Spectator

Forces face discrimina­tion lawsuit


A former Canadian Forces member who says a series of aggressive investigat­ions into her sexual orientatio­n hounded her out of the military in the late 1980s is leading a class-action lawsuit against Ottawa.

Alida Satalic’s lawsuit, submitted Tuesday, spans the years 1969 to ’95 and applies to anyone who served in Atlantic Canada.

Lawyer John McKiggan says in the statement of claim, which has not been proven in court, that, between the 1950s and ’90s, the Canadian government engaged in a campaign to identify, harass and purge lesbians and gays from the Armed Forces.

It names Satalic as the representa­tive plaintiff in the class action, saying the lesbian former postal clerk was mistreated and harassed while she was serving her country.

It says she was repeatedly interrogat­ed by investigat­ion units on the pretext of security screenings, and was asked about her sexual relationsh­ips in detail.

The claim says she dropped out of the military as a corporal in 1989 after learning she had no career prospects, re-enrolled in ’93 and then left again years later.

According to court documents, Satalic joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1981 at Canadian Forces Base Cornwallis in Deep Brook, N.S., and served at three bases.

It says, after she told investigat­ors about her sexual orientatio­n, Satalic was given the option of staying in the military with no further training or promotions, or a release from service as “Not Advantageo­usly Employable.” She accepted the release. The statement of claim says Satalic’s career, earnings and pension all suffered.

McKiggan said in an interview she only returned to the military after its policy on investigat­ing homosexual­s ceased in 1993.

“Alida simply wanted to serve her country . ... She liked her job and she wanted to go back to serving her country. So, when the policy of discrimina­tion was changed, she returned to a job she enjoyed,” he said.

An email from a Canadian Armed Forces official said DND is aware of the lawsuit and is reviewing the details to determine its next steps.

The lawsuit is claiming $100 million.

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