The Hamilton Spectator

He owes money and an explanatio­n

- DEAR ELLIE ellieadvic­

Q. Following a final PhD semester and seven months of unemployme­nt, I’ve now been happily employed for three months. However, my mother’s asking for repayment of loans, including personal insurance premiums, moving costs, student loans, and some months of rent. Total: More than $25,000.

I plan to repay her; however, during my unemployme­nt, I’d accrued about $5,000 in credit card debt that I’m repaying.

My mother doesn’t know about this debt, because I’m avoiding her additional lecturing and stress.

She’s now thinking I have an excess of disposable income, and has asked for monthly payments of $500 to $700. This would be reasonable if I were free from credit card debt.

I’ve asked to delay these payments until January under the guise of “wanting to accumulate some savings.” However, the $2,000 bill for my personal insurance premium arrived this week, and she expects me to pay it. I cannot. Should I tell her about my credit card debt? Should I charge the premium onto the “Credit Card of Mom” with an infinite grace period and continue with the monthly repayment plan? Are there other options?

A. You owe your mother more than money. Only the truth can help her accept that you cannot repay her now that you’re working.

Your delay based on deceit will cause warranted resentment. Speak up. Ask her to accompany you to a bank adviser to work out the repayment plan.

Talk to the insurance company. They want your continued involvemen­t so may also offer a plan that delays payment.

Do not think you can or should avoid your mother’s “lecture.” She’s done and given more than many parents could or would do.

You’ve achieved what you set out to do. Give back as soon as possible.

He can’t get along with sister

Q. My sister and I haven’t gotten along since birth. I’m 42, she’s 37.

We were raised in a good home by loving parents.

I’m an introvert, organized, well-educated, and responsibl­e, with a successful career.

She’s an extrovert, popular, party animal, high-spender, messy, procrastin­ator.

When something positive happens to me she says, “you just want drama but the world isn’t about you!”

When my boyfriend and I broke up, she invited him to join her group and introduced her single girlfriend­s to him.

She never invited me to join her group nor allowed me to hang out with them when she invites them to our home.

Yesterday, we celebrated my dad’s birthday at a restaurant. She made sure I sat isolated in a corner.

When will this behaviour end? How long will I suffer?

A. You can stop suffering by no longer expecting this long-establishe­d dynamic to change. You’re sisters but very different individual­s — a fact which holds true in many families.

It’s easy to assume that she’s jealous of your accomplish­ments. That would be her problem to resolve. Yet she may prefer her own personalit­y style — fun-loving, lots of friends, etc. You may even envy some of her traits.

Meanwhile, this “behaviour” rests on both of you taking part.

Back out. Don’t expect big changes. If there’s a family event, check on details yourself rather than be surprised by how she’s handled things. Rely on your own friends, not hers. If you remain very troubled by this divide, talk to a counsellor to help you separate from taking part in it.

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