The Hamilton Spectator

Top last-minute gift ideas


Every now and then we all need some help with last-minute, gift-giving ideas. Here are three that you can buy with just one click, helping you avoid the great present hunt at the mall.

1. Gift certificat­es

Not everybody likes gift certificat­es or gift cards since they can seem impersonal. But if you take time to put thought into the recipient’s favourite hobby or store, they can be a big hit. If they’re an amateur photograph­er, why not get them a gift certificat­e for a photograph­y class? Or if they like baking, a chocolate-making workshop is sure to please.

2. Charitable gifts

You can help children around the world and make your friend or family member feel good about themselves by giving vulnerable children life-saving gifts. UNICEF offers a Survival Gifts catalogue with a range of vital supplies you can choose to gift, like baby blankets, vaccines, pencils, and even education for girls. All come with a card describing the gift and a tax deductible receipt. More informatio­n is available at shop.

3. Trips

You don’t need to spend hundreds on a trip to the Caribbean to gift a relaxing vacation. The options for quick weekend getaways are endless and they don’t break the bank. From a couple of days of wine tasting in the country, to a spa weekend, or an overnight trip to see a show in the city, there are lots of nearby getaways that make the perfect treat for a loved one. Who knows, they may even decide to take you along with them. (NC)

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