The Hamilton Spectator

I Learned to Laugh, I Learned to Cry. Will I Ever Learn to Say Goodbye?


Laughter The sound that can make someone's day Tears The salty liquid under your eyes that never goes away Hugs To embrace the ones you love Heartbreak Those with stone hearts never let us give up

A one-way street Two ways to go When you’re half blind it’s hard to know The long road The short road And every stop sign in between Every orange light that eventually turns green

And when I get on a train To go far away Will you remember me? Will you write to me every day?

Goodbyes are always hard Or that's how it's seemed so far But this is no different from any other goodbye No different from any crossroads No different from any lie

I just want you to know That through it all I have loved you so

And no one will ever make me forget The memories we shared All the times we had Everything we feared I don’t mean to make you sad

When this train pulls away I will remember your voice Hopefully I won’t regret this one day Leaving was my only choice

Will this make me different? Or will I stay the same? I hang my head in shame

I learned to laugh When I needed it most I learned to cry So my brain wouldn’t overload

There aren’t many things I can do Goodbyes aren’t one of the few Every goodbye Drives me mad Brings me to my knees Makes me sad

Will I ever learn to say goodbye? I don’t know Will I ever return? Perhaps one day, maybe so

But until then Goodbye is sadly, all I have to say Goodnight Good day

I shall conclude my farewell With a salty tear that will never go away A hug to embrace the ones I love No laughter to make my day Only heartbreak

As the train pulls away I will leave behind a mere memory Of something I will never forget As long as you remember me Alexandra Agro, Grade 8, Dundas Central Public School,

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