The Hamilton Spectator

Let’s try to make life better for others, too


This editorial appeared in the Halifax Chronicle Herald:

It’s a time of year when everyone resolves to freshen things up. Pencils sharpened, notebook at the ready, many of us draw up a list of how we can strive to do better in the year that will be 2017.

Diets will be started and exercise regimes implemente­d anew to start the year off on the right track. Fitness centres and gyms will be full come January and resolve will be strong as the overindulg­ing of the holidays will be on many people’s minds.

Financial plans will be adopted with the view of keeping a tighter ship in the new year and, perhaps, steer fiscal responsibi­lity back on track.

We all aim high in the hopes of at least moving the needle of life forward by improving ourselves in some way. Less food and more exercise can mean a better life. Saving money and spending more responsibl­y can also create a better personal world.

So how about we each try to set the bar high when it comes to making things better for others?

We’re all coming off the time of the year where a smile and a good deed are more frequent. Peace on Earth, goodwill to all is a theme that pervades December, but can run out of steam early in the new year.

There is no better time than now, when our resolve is strong, when it comes to make changes to make our own lives better, that we can use these sentiments as an inspiratio­n for doing more good.

Start simply by saying please and thank you regularly. Those three words create plenty of good karma. Hold a door open for others. Offer help to others.

If you have never done any volunteer work, make this the year that you do. If you already are volunteeri­ng, perhaps there is a way you can expand on that role.

Be more tolerant, compassion­ate and show more patience. Provide a shoulder for others to lean on and an ear to listen to. Be there to guide and assist. You can help others more than you know. Welcome others and embrace those you know more often.

Life is precious and we can each make it more precious by doing more good.

If we can each resolve to do that in 2017, we’ll get the year off to a good start, and keep the goodwill happening all year long.

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