The Hamilton Spectator

In Hungary, a test for freedom


This editorial appeared in The Washington Post:

The front line between liberal values of democracy and the darker forces of authoritar­ianism can often be found far from government offices, in a civic associatio­n or church hall, a newsroom or university classroom. Witness the effort by Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary to close the Central European University in Budapest.

The school, founded and funded by philanthro­pist and financier George Soros, has been an anchor for the study of freedom in lands long tormented by tyranny.

Orban, who has vowed to wipe out liberal values in Hungary, tabled legislatio­n in parliament that, if passed, would place onerous restrictio­ns on the university, founded in 1991 at the collapse of communism to train scholars and others in the building of open societies that respect human rights and adhere to the rule of law. Now a graduate school with 1,440 enrolled students and 370 faculty from more than 130 nations, the university grants degrees accredited in both Hungary and the United States and, in the words of President and Rector Michael Ignatieff, stands “for open minds and open frontiers at a time when political forces of anger, exclusion and closure are in the ascendant.”

That is enough to put it in the crosshairs of Orban, a right-wing champion of barbed-wire fenced borders and authoritar­ianism modelled on Russia, China and Turkey.

CEU is at the fault line of an intensifyi­ng contest between democracy and illiberal rule around the globe. Orban is taking a page from playbooks in Russia and China on how to suffocate civil society. In January, his ruling party floated a proposal to crack down on nongovernm­ental organizati­ons funded by Soros, including those promoting human rights and transparen­cy, although the bill has yet to be published.

In 1989, the year the Berlin Wall came down, Orban, then an anti-Communist student leader, took a Soros scholarshi­p to study at Oxford. It seems Orban has forgotten the lessons, so obvious then, about Eastern Europe’s communist rulers, whose demise was heartily celebrated by people sick of arbitrary rule and hungry for the kind of freedom that Central European University was founded to succor.

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