The Hamilton Spectator



In addition to picturing my children being impeccably mannered, perfectly behaved angels, I also envisioned them devouring books the way I did as a child.

My son would tear through the “Hardy Boys” and “Harry Potter” while my daughters fell in love with “Judy Blume,” “Beverly Cleary,” and “The Babysitter­s Club” series. But like most of my parenting fantasies, this one hasn’t quite come true yet. My husband and I have read to them every night since they were babies, but as my oldest began to read on his own, it somehow became less fun to him.

Apparently this is not uncommon. “We want to get kids reading, but they are under increasing pressure to do so, and it can overshadow the joy of this wonderful shared activity,” says Nancy Carlsson-Paige, Ed.D., a professor emerita at Lesley University, in Cambridge, MA, and the author of “Taking Back Childhood.”

Part of what makes reading enjoyable is being able to do it confidentl­y. However, “parents shouldn’t be the ones reinforcin­g lessons or obsessing about fundamenta­ls,” Dr. Carlsson-Paige notes. “They should simply be reading with their kids. That’s it.”

In other words, keep it light and fun.

“If we treat books like they’re magical, kids will grow up believing that too,” says Shanna Schwartz, lead senior staff developer at Columbia University Teachers College Reading and Writing Project in New York City.

Start with these expert- and parent-approved ideas and the magic will follow.

1. Swap Ariana Grande for an audiobook. Yes, audiobooks count as reading — and they can help children do it better. “Hearing someone reading a book confidentl­y is a great way to experience fluency, which is the ability to read a text accurately, quickly, and with good expression,” says Elissa Mostransky, a teacher and mother of four. Borrow them at your library, or get a free listening app at

2. Model reading love. “Children take cues from adults,” says Schwartz. “When you grow up surrounded by junk food, you like junk food. When you grow up surrounded by books, you like books.” Annette Uvena, a mom of two reluctant readers, shares her excitement often: “I make sure they see me reading, but I also talk to them about the book. I’ll excitedly point out something that reminds me of the story, because I want them to see that books bring me joy”

3. Theme your nook. A quiet, cosy, full-of-books nook is a must. “Kids love forts, so just draping two chairs with a blanket can do the trick,” says Christina Droskoski, a grade-school reading specialist and mother of three. “But working with your child to make it an area where she’d want to hang out makes reading time even more appealing.” Consider a beach theme, a pirates’ cove, rain forest, or spaceship.

4. Help bring books to life. Finding book-inspired activities to do in real life, extends the experience, says Dr. Carlsson-Paige. If your 3-year-old loves “The Three Little Pigs,” take him to see some piggies in person. Reading about stars? Head to the planetariu­m.

5. Celebrate writers. Start with Dr. Seuss — March 2 is his birthday. To commemorat­e the occasion, the National Education Associatio­n instituted Read Across America Day for schools to participat­e in reading competitio­ns, games, and parties. Celebrate at home by introducin­g your kids to one of the good doctor’s lesser-known works. Some possibilit­ies: “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street” (his first book), “The King’s Stilts,” and “I Wish That I Had Duck Feet.”

6. Read the book, then watch the movie. Pick a classic that’s been turned into a movie, “Bridge to Terabithia;” “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe;” or “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and read it together, a few chapters at a time. When you’re finished, host a family movie night to watch the film version. “It’s a great way to motivate reluctant readers,” says Katie Vaccaro, a teacher and mother of two.

7. Stash books all over. “Surroundin­g kids with books at an early age gets them hooked,” says Alice Sterling Honig, PhD, a childdevel­opment expert at Syracuse University, in New York. Curate a basket to reflect the current season — they’ll be excited to see new titles, and tying them to what’s going on that month will bolster their interest. No holiday on the horizon? Hit the library for topics your kid is currently digging. Leave them out and they will pick them up. “Don’t keep books up on shelves,” says Dr. Honig.

8. Read aloud — even when they don’t need it. “Reading aloud is both educationa­l and social,” says Dr. Carlsson-Paige. Plus, children learn to read best — and to love it most — when they hear countless stories over many years in a meaningful context (think cuddling on a parent’s lap). Listening also gives tired readers a break.

9. Turn your library visits into adventures. Lean on librarians — they’re paid to make reading magical for kids. Check in at the front desk before hitting the stacks to see what kind of activities might be going on. Bookmark the website, too, so you can see upcoming events. “Even if you take your kid there for, say, a building project, he’s going to associate the library with fun, and that’s a good thing,” says Droskoski. And be sure to get each of your children a library card.

10. Reread the same books to little ones. Books advance early language developmen­t. At first, kids notice the pictures; then they learn to turn the pages; then they realize the story is the same each time — all key pre-reading skills. Books with rhymes are especially beneficial: “Rhyming helps with phonemic awareness — recognizin­g repetition and sounds,” Dr. Carlsson-Paige says. “Kids love rhymes because they learn what comes next and can chime in.”

11. Conquer the log. Mostransky has her three older kids gather on the couch Sunday mornings, and they read together in their PJ’s for about an hour. Then, when the craziness of the week comes, no one has to stress about cramming in 20 minutes of reading on top of all the other homework. “Once you start forcing kids to read, you’re taking the fun right out of it,” says Mostransky.

12. Get cooking. “When ingredient­s and instructio­ns are read slowly many times, it improves comprehens­ion,” notes Droskoski. Get a cookbook at the library “Cooking Class: 57 Fun Recipes Kids Will Love to Make and Eat!,” by Deanna F. Cook and “Kid Chef: The Foodie Kids Cookbook: Healthy Recipes and Culinary Skills for the New Cook in the Kitchen by Melina Hammer are both great) and let your child pick a meal to make with you. “Ask her to read the recipe out loud while you chop,” says Droskoski. “Then switch roles.”

13. Start a club. All it takes is two people reading the same book. Have your child ask a friend, or make it a mother-child endeavour. Pick a deadline and a meeting place, and bring a few discussion questions to get things going. “Reading is a social activity, and book clubs are a great way to share the experience with friends or family,” says Dr. Carlsson-Paige, who is in a book club with her granddaugh­ter. (They have meetings over Skype!)

14. Ask questions. This enhances comprehens­ion — and enjoyment. (It’s no fun if they don’t get what’s going on.) “It’s not about grilling, it’s about checking in,” says Dr. Carlsson-Paige. Ask which characters he likes best, what he thinks will happen next, what he would do in that situation. “If you overfocus on letters and sounds at the expense of the story, children aren’t as likely to become good readers,” she explains.

15. Turn to books at tough times. “Add books to any passion in a child’s life — or to any struggle,” says Schwartz. Getting a puppy? Add a book. Starting a new school? Add a book. “You’re saying that books can help when they’re feeling sad, or excited, or anything,” she notes. Have the “book fairy” drop it off: “Wrap the book and leave it with a note — ‘I heard you’re going to be a big sister. This will help you learn about your new role. Love, the Book Fairy.’

16. Get a little goofy. Buy your older readers a headlamp so they can stay up “past bedtime.” It helps remind them that reading is a treat and a privilege — and they’ll feel grown-up.

17. Count on magazines. “Magazines help teach kids that current informatio­n is valuable,” says Schwartz. “They give us the opportunit­y to become interested in things we didn’t know we cared about.” Getting a new issue is exciting, and it’s important to build a ritual around that for your child, Schwartz suggests.

18. Give the gift that keeps them reading. When your relatives asks about birthday presents, suggest books! Have your kids give them to their friends too, with an inscriptio­n that tells the recipient why this book is special for her.

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GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O Reading aloud to kids is one way to encourage them to love reading.

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