The Hamilton Spectator

The trans population needs understand­ing


RE: No special treatment for transgende­r surgeries (letters June 30)

The bigots and haters are having a field day since intoleranc­e came out of the closet. I long for the days when these people only expressed their hurtful, divisive and racist views among other haters and bigots. Certainly Donald Trump has made them think their attitudes have more support now.

The author of this letter argues that trans surgery is “cosmetic”, comparing it to removing a mole from her face. Whenever I read letters like this one I wonder if the author spent even one second thinking about the real issue before forming an opinion. Because it seems to me that, if they had, they would quickly realize that their argument is ridiculous. Obviously this writer does not know a trans person, or she would know the pain, confusion and suffering many experience. The ignorance and hatred from people such as this letter writer only adds to their pain. Many trans people live below or near the poverty line, at least in part because of society’s intolerant attitudes. To make a poor person pay thousands of dollars for trans surgery is mean-spirited and ignorant.

Trans surgery and similar procedures go a long way to helping trans people feel like the person they were always meant to be. No one grows breasts or changes their genitals for “cosmetic” reasons.

Get over your prejudices and accept people for who they are, not who you would like them to be. Comparing having a mole removed to the experience of being trans is small-minded, hateful and ignorant. Why don’t you learn about people and walk a day in their shoes before you go judging and spouting such nonsense. You most likely acquired this hateful attitude from others. Think for yourselves and, if you have questions, do some research. Maybe even talk to a person you feel such hatred toward — you’ll certainly learn a thing or two. Jorge Lasso, Hamilton

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