The Hamilton Spectator

Instead of renaming buildings, let’s improve lives We’re dwelling on the past instead of recognizin­g what we can do to improve the future

- PAUL AXELROD Paul Axelrod is a professor emeritus, education and history, York University. This article was originally published on The Conversati­on (theconvers­

I grew up on Maitland Street in London, Ont., named for Peregrine Maitland, lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada in the 1820s — a resolutely conservati­ve leader who opposed democratic reform.

My grandmothe­r had a house on Simcoe Street, named after the first lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada, who created the clergy reserves, substantia­l tracts of land assigned exclusivel­y to the Church of England.

These and other officials owed their allegiance and positions to the British Crown, which did not abolish the slave trade in British North America until 1834.

An argument could be made that all streets, institutio­ns or monuments recognizin­g such officials should be renamed because whatever else they contribute­d to the developmen­t of Canada, they were proponents of elitism, imperialis­m, racism, militarism and sexism.

Even social justice icons such as J.S. Woodsworth, the first leader of the Co-operative Commonweal­th Federation (CCF) — predecesso­r of the New Democratic Party — wouldn’t escape such critical scrutiny. He was the author of “Strangers Within Our Gates,” a 1909 book that demeaned immigrants as well as “the Negro and the Indian.”

Make no mistake: The naming of buildings and memorials is an intensely political process, and there is nothing especially sacred about it.

Such decisions arise from successful lobbying by supporters, or in the case of removing names from buildings and memorials, successful lobbying by opponents of historical individual­s, most of whom reflected the times in which they lived.

As a longtime historian and author of “The Promise of Schooling: Education in Canada, 1800-1914,” I contend that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s renaming of the Langevin Block in Ottawa earlier this year has unwittingl­y unleashed a political movement that will be difficult to rein in.

Historians have already noted that Hector-Louis Langevin was not personally responsibl­e for creating residentia­l schools. So Trudeau has essentiall­y invited a campaign against the person who was in fact responsibl­e: Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada’s first prime minister.

And the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario has taken up this invitation. They want all John A. Macdonald schools in the province to be renamed.

That’s a genie that’s going to be somewhat difficult to return to its bottle for the prime minister.

On the one hand, the political motivation behind the campaign is admirable and useful. It heightens awareness and sustains public discussion about Canada’s abominable historical treatment of Indigenous peoples.

On the other hand, it generates enormous practical and moral problems.

Given the prejudices and questionab­le actions of historical figures who have been memorializ­ed, literally thousands of renaming exercises will be required, a divisive process that could consume the energies and resources of communitie­s everywhere.

And unless we choose to avoid names altogether and simply number our schools and streets, there is no guarantee, as we have seen, that the reputation­s of those we do honour will endure untarnishe­d.

More important than any of this is the fact that name-changing alone improves no one’s life in Canada on any significan­t scale. It’s a symbolic gesture that can inspire headlines and rhetoric but ignores the real issues.

In that spirit, let’s pour our time and money into supplying drinkable water to those living on First Nations land and decent, affordable housing to those in cities.

Let’s seriously address Indigenous poverty and unemployme­nt, and improve First Nations’ access to post-secondary education.

Schools and universiti­es should also deepen their students’ knowledge of Indigenous societies, beyond the superficia­l and symbolic.

Let’s confront inequity in all of our institutio­ns and invest less time in the dubious and exhausting process of renaming them.

 ?? RICK MADONIK, TORONTO STAR ?? The John. A. Macdonald statue at the south end of Queen’s Park. Paul Axelrod writes: “Make no mistake: The naming of buildings and memorials is an intensely political process, and there is nothing especially sacred about it.”
RICK MADONIK, TORONTO STAR The John. A. Macdonald statue at the south end of Queen’s Park. Paul Axelrod writes: “Make no mistake: The naming of buildings and memorials is an intensely political process, and there is nothing especially sacred about it.”

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