The Hamilton Spectator

How to treat minor burns


Q: What’s the best way to treat a minor burn? At what point does a burn require medical care?

A: The level of care needed for a burn depends on how extensive the tissue damage is from the burn. Minor burns often can be treated at home without seeing a health-care provider. Burns considered “minor” include first-degree burns and second-degree burns that are no larger than two inches in diameter. Immediatel­y evaluate in a medical setting any other type of burn that covers a larger area of the skin. A health-care provider also should evaluate a burn that shows signs of infection, such as oozing from the wound and increased pain, redness and swelling.

A first-degree burn involves only the top or outer layer of the skin (epidermis). Signs and symptoms of a first-degree burn include red skin that may be mildly swollen and painful to touch. A second-degree burn involves the outside layer of the skin and the next layer of skin (dermis). Signs and symptoms of this type of burn include pain, swelling, intensely reddened skin, blistering and a splotchy appearance.

For these types of minor burns, prompt athome care is often all that’s needed. First, put the burn under cool (but not cold) running water long enough to reduce the pain, which may take about 10 to 15 minutes. If running water isn’t available, immerse the burn in cool water, or apply a cool, wet compress.

Dry the area with a clean cloth, and apply a sterile, lightly wrapped bandage. Don’t apply ointments or butter to a burn, as these can hold heat in the skin — causing further damage — in addition to increasing the risk of infection.

A burn requires immediate medical attention if it covers a large area of the body, or if it involves much of the hands, face, feet, genitals, buttocks, eyes, mouth or a major joint. Second-degree burns larger than two inches; an electrical burn; or more severe, third-degree burns — where skin is burned away, charred black or appears dry white — all require emergency medical attention.

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