The Hamilton Spectator

I’m attracted to my therapist, can I tell her?


Q. Several months ago, I’d become emotionall­y “out of sorts” and sought counsellin­g (first-time).

I’m male, early 60s, profession­al background, permanentl­y separated, no dependents.

At a family services agency, a cognitive psychologi­st was assigned.

She’s in her 40s and within six sessions, was unlocking a long-lingering issue (from my childhood).

I’ve been able to identify and manage it, and my mood disappeare­d.

We ended the sessions, and, at a “group social” event, she was nearly always around me.

During the hour-long sessions, we’d communicat­ed with a level of intimacy and occasional humour that astonished me — always strictly profession­al, yet anyone would sense my growing attraction to her.

However, I’m especially sensitive to the perils of “crossing the line.” The last thing I’d ever wish to do is place her in a position (even by perception) that compromise­s her standing with her employer.

But I want to know her better, and wonder as to whether, and how, I can express my feelings.

While it’s different if she’s “attached,” I do have some informatio­n suggesting that she is not.

I don’t want to lose her friendship (our obvious rapport).

What’s your advice about my revealing personal interest in this woman?

A. Decide first whether you’d ever want to see her profession­ally again. If so, any attempt to see her socially would end that possibilit­y.

If not, there’s still the question of “how to approach.”

Be aware that it’s not uncommon for some therapy clients and even medical patients, to feel a special “bond” with the profession­al who helps them.

Make contact with a simple question such as: “Would it be appropriat­e if we met away from your office for a coffee and social conversati­on?”

It’s respectful and restrained, yet fairly clear that you’re not seeing this as a profession­al encounter. Her answer will likely be even clearer. If she’s willing to meet, you’re on a new social level. If she’s not, it should be no surprise or insult, given common profession­al rules against the rapist client relationsh­ips.

My daughter was physically abused, how do I help?

Q. My daughter, 22, recently told me that the same-age young man she’d been seeing had physically abused/assaulted her.

I had a panic attack, but managed to drive to the police station where she revealed all the details of what happened that night.

He’s now in jail, and will go through the criminal system.

How do I help my daughter make her hurt go away? I often find her crying in her room, and it breaks my heart.

How can she survive this and be the young happy girl she once was?

I also cannot help blaming myself . . . how did I not notice this or see it sooner?

I feel I failed her as a mother and her protector.

I fear he’d start pursuing her again and she’d speak with him.

The authoritie­s made it clear to both that he’s not to come near her or any places he knows she’d frequent. How do I protect her?

A. Many therapists and counsellin­g agencies offer specific sexual abuse counsellin­g and related resources which can be found online.

Your daughter, the prime victim, needs bolstering to believe it wasn’t her fault, plus confirmati­on for her courage in speaking out.

You need separate counsellin­g assurance that you’re not a failed mother.

Her upbringing at home contribute­d to her inner strength to handle this painful event. Your support is essential.


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