The Hamilton Spectator

Where is Franklin’s body?


GJOA HAVEN, NUNAVUT — The man who guided searchers to the wreck of John Franklin’s flagship may have one more surprise left up his parka sleeve.

“I believe that Franklin is in a vault on King William Island,” says Louie Kamookak, an Inuit historian who has spent 30 years correlatin­g stories collected from elders with European logbooks and journals.

The mystery that surrounds the Franklin Expedition is one of the great legends of Arctic exploratio­n. The ships Erebus and Terror set out from England in 1845 to search for the Northwest Passage, but they never returned.

Little by little, the Franklin story is coming together. Artifacts and graves found throughout the 19th and 20th centuries were joined by several more bodies discovered in the 1980s. The ships were found in 2014 and 2016.

But where is the grave of John Franklin? Kamookak relates two stories passed down through generation­s that may offer clues.

“One group of Inuit said they saw a burial of a great chief under the ground, under stone.”

This was remarkable for the hunters, as Inuit traditiona­lly buried their dead on the surface, wrapped in caribou skins and under a cairn. They investigat­ed the site. All they found was a flat stone.

In another account, a group of travelling Inuit came across a large wooden structure.

“They managed to get a cross piece they took for a sled. The man who was telling the story said there was a flat stone and he could tell the stone was hollow.”

Given that other expedition graves have been found on land, Kamookak believes Franklin’s is there, too. If he’s right, Franklin is probably still lying beneath the tundra on King William Island’s rocky and windswept northeast coast.

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