The Hamilton Spectator

So much for the party of fiscal responsibi­lity


The following appeared in the Washington Post: After all the GOP howling about deficits when President Barack Obama was trying to stave off a depression in 2009, Republican­s now in power are getting ever closer to adding an enormous amount to the debt — not to save the economy but to finance a big tax cut.

The hypocrisy is bad, but if they succeed, the consequenc­es would be far worse.

Republican­s began their push to reshape the tax system by promising to make their reforms revenue neutral. Individual and corporate tax rates would be cut, they vowed, but so would expensive loopholes.

But tax cuts are easy to hand out, while closing loopholes takes a bit more spine. So “tax reform” has steadily evolved toward “tax cuts.” And last week the Spineless Caucus scored a notable victory when Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., agreed to a budget framework that would allow $1.5 trillion in tax cuts without direct offsets.

Defenders of the plan say it could still end up being revenue neutral, in part because economic growth would offset much or all of that $1.5-trillion hit. Outside experts, however, warn that these assurances are too optimistic. Changes in taxing and spending policy certainly can affect the rate of economic growth. But economists cannot project how much, nor the effects on federal revenue, with precision. Given the country’s already stretched finances, the only reasonable option is to avoid tax plans that could make budget problems worse.

The United States is in the midst of one of the longest periods of uninterrup­ted economic expansion in the country’s history, negating the case for a short-term stimulus in the form of unpaid-for tax cuts. Moreover, a demographi­c wave is set to clobber public finances, as baby boomers retire and demand expensive social services.

The White House and congressio­nal leaders aim to release a tax-reform outline this week. Following that, Republican­s will work on budget outlines that set broad taxing and spending goals.

As the process has proceeded, Republican­s have moved steadily further away from the prudence they demanded of Democrats just a few years ago.

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