The Hamilton Spectator

The truth about NAFTA

Deal’s ‘rules of origin’ killing American jobs

- WILBUR ROSS Wilbur Ross is secretary of commerce.

As the North American Free Trade Agreement negotiatio­ns unfold, there is a lot of loose talk being exchanged about automobile parts going back and forth among the United States, Canada and Mexico.

NAFTA supporters assert that the U.S. content in cars assembled in Canada and Mexico is particular­ly high and that therefore our $70-billion-plus trade deficits with our NAFTA partners are not worrisome.

That would be a great argument if it were correct. But it isn’t. That argument is neither true of motor vehicles nor of manufactur­ed goods in general.

A study by Anne Flatness and Chris Rasmussen of the Office of Trade and Economic Analysis within the Commerce Department proves its falsity. The study, based on Trade in Value Added data recently released by the Organizati­on for Economic Cooperatio­n and Developmen­t, shows that between 1995, the year after NAFTA went into effect, and 2011, U.S. content of manufactur­ed goods imported from Canada dropped significan­tly — from 21 per cent to 15 per cent. U.S. content in goods imported from Mexico fell even more — from 26 per cent to 16 per cent.

The numbers for the automobile industry specifical­ly are similar — not surprising because automobile­s account for 27 per cent of total imports from Canada and Mexico. Indeed, automobile­s drive the U.S. trade deficit with those countries; the United States would enjoy a trade surplus with its NAFTA partners were it not for the trade deficit in autos and auto parts.

These data debunk the claim that U.S. content in the form of parts is so high that we shouldn’t worry about headline gross-deficit figures.

This problem is troubling because the previous U.S. share of the content found in imports from Canada and Mexico is largely being absorbed by non-NAFTA trading partners. The share of content from foreign countries other than Canada and Mexico has almost doubled in our imports from Mexico, from 14 per cent to 27 per cent. The non-NAFTA content of our imports from Canada likewise rose, from 12 per cent to 21 per cent. We cannot forget that the point of a free-trade agreement is to advantage those within the agreement — not to help outsiders. Instead, NAFTA has provided entry into a bigger market for outside countries, and the United States is paying the price. While NAFTA has achieved its goal of increasing three-way trade in absolute terms, American workers and businesses are not benefiting in a way that is fair and reciprocal.

The declining U.S. share of content in auto imports from Canada and Mexico puts those jobs at risk. The United States accounts for an overwhelmi­ng share of the total NAFTA auto market today — 83 per cent, in fact — yet American workers are not reaping the benefits of that purchasing power. So, why is this happening? NAFTA included “rules of origin” provisions that were intended to restrict the nonNAFTA content in final goods. Yet the numbers above show that the opposite has, in fact, happened.

Unfortunat­ely, NAFTA rules of origin on automobile­s listed the exact parts to which the rules of origin applied, and many of those parts are no longer used. Another reason is that the rules include a concept called substantia­l transforma­tion, which means that if further processing of a non-NAFTA item is done by a NAFTA partner, the nonNAFTA items are “transforme­d” and are deemed to have been produced in the United States, Canada or Mexico.

These facts are why U.S. Trade Representa­tive Robert Lighthizer announced that two major objectives for NAFTA are raising the total NAFTA content requiremen­t and raising the U.S. share of that requiremen­t, especially in autos and auto parts.

Autos and auto parts are important because our combined trade deficit in autos and auto parts from Canada and Mexico is $84.6 billion annually, which is the vast majority of our total trade in goods deficit with our neighbours. Only $14.6 billion of that deficit is offset by surpluses in other product categories. That is why we have a NAFTA net trade deficit in goods of $70 billion.

If we don’t fix the rules of origin, negotiatio­ns on the rest of the agreement will fail to meaningful­ly shift the trade imbalance. Our nation’s ballooning trade deficit has gutted American manufactur­ing, killed jobs and sapped our wealth. That is going to change under President Donald Trump, and rules of origin are just the beginning.

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