The Hamilton Spectator

Reforms may hurt casual users, Airbnb says


VANCOUVER — As Canadian cities continue to wage a regulatory crack down on online home-rental platforms, Airbnb maintains it’s open to regulation provided new rules don’t penalize casual users and recognize not every host runs a full-fledged business.

Vancouver and Toronto are both weighing imposing a number of restrictio­ns on users, while Quebec, the first province to regulate the industry, may revamp its law in the near future.

“There are still a lot of mispercept­ions about what homesharin­g is all about,” said Alex Dagg, Airbnb’s director of Canadian public policy, warning about unintended consequenc­es from rushed regulation­s.

“That’s the concern — that you come up with something that you think makes sense. And without understand­ing really what your community is looking like and how they’re using the platform and how they’re benefiting from it, you can really design something that isn’t helpful.”

Many homeowners or tenants use the platform to rent out a portion of or their entire home to earn some extra cash. Airbnb’s critics include the hotel industry that says hosts face less stringent regulation­s and don’t have to pay the same taxes, as well as those saying it has created additional housing problems in cities with low vacancy rates and high home ownership costs.

Dagg is in Vancouver to argue the American company’s case in front of a city council holding public hearings into a proposed homesharin­g bylaw. If approved, it would take effect in April and require hosts to have a licence that costs $49 each year and to only rent out their primary residence.

The city argues limiting shortterm rentals to primary residences will protect existing long-term rental housing and potentiall­y add new units to a heated rental market.

In October 2016, metro Vancouver’s vacancy rate was 0.7 per cent, according to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp.In Quebec, the provincial government has imposed numerous restrictio­ns and Dagg said the company understand­s the provincial tourism minister will make some amendments this fall.

“It’s really designed in a way for much more profession­al operators,” said Dagg, while not reflecting a large, casual homesharin­g community. The law requires anyone renting a property via Airbnb and other online platforms for no more than 31 consecutiv­e days to hold a permit and pay a hotel tax.

Toronto, another market grappling with high rents and housing prices, recently wrapped public consultati­ons on its proposed home-sharing regulation­s.

The city wants to allow people to rent their principal residence for no more than 28 consecutiv­e days. It will also require hosts to register with Toronto at a cost of $40 to $150 annually. In November, the city will hold committee meetings to vote on the regulation­s and, if passed, the regulation­s will head to council in early December.

On Wednesday, Airbnb announced an arrangemen­t with Neptune Waterpark Condos in Toronto that will allow residents to rent their primary residence in the building using Airbnb and receive a portion of the profit. It’s the first building in Canada to join the company’s so-called friendly buildings program, which had only operated in the United States up to now.

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