The Hamilton Spectator

Top tips to keep your tree fresh all season long

Top tips to keep your tree fresh all season


There is nothing quite like a fresh Christmas tree over the holidays. Who doesn’t appreciate the outdoorsy scent of pine that wafts through the home to create a festive mood. While artificial trees certainly offer many benefits, the tradition of picking out the perfect tree as you brave the cold temperatur­es, and then secure it to the top of your vehicle, is irreplacea­ble. If you’re a ‘real’ Christmas tree fan, then here are some tips courtesy of Satellite Garden Centre, to keep your tree standing tall and beautiful through the season.

What to look for

Trying to select the perfect tree for your home seems like an impossible task when searching among dozens of evergreens. Often, it’s not until you cart the tree home that you realize it’s too tall, too short, or bare in one section. That’s why it’s ideal to select from trees that are hanging up. At Satellite Gardens, all trees are hung so that customers can get a full view of the tree from all sides.

When surveying the tree, watch out for bare sections. That’s a sign that the tree is dry and won’t fare so well inside the home. Look for a tree that is green and full from all angles. Satellite Gardens recommends a short needle tree, such as Fraser Fir and Balsam. These types of trees tend to retain their needles better than other options.

Taking care of the tree

Once your tree is selected, it’s important to have the trunk freshly cut. The store should be able to do this for you. When return ing home, there is no need to leave the tree outside for any length of time. In fact, if the tree does not make it inside within a day, it’s a good idea to cut the trunk again.

Christmas trees are thirsty when they are first erected inside a home. Satellite Gardens recommends using a tree stand with a container that can hold at least one and a half litres of water. It is essential to water your new addition immediatel­y, and continue to water it for at least three days. After the first week, the need to water lessens substantia­lly.

Keep it straight

Many of us have experience­d the disappoint­ment of watching our beautifull­y decorated tree topple to the floor. This can be avoided with a good quality tree stand. Satellite Gardens recommends a sturdy plastic stand that is sized to accommodat­e the height of your tree.The centre’s top choice for tree stands is the Express 2-Minute Tree Stand. It comes in three sizes, based on the size of your tree. Remember to stay safe. Place your tree away from fireplaces, radiators and other sources of heat.Turn off the tree lights when you leave and before you go to sleep. If you follow these simple guidelines, your Christmas tree will remain green and freshly scented through the holiday season, and even past New Year’s Day.

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