The Hamilton Spectator

Canada should have spoken up against U.S.


RE: Canada was right on UN vote (Dec. 27)

I agree that U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision on Jerusalem is a huge diplomatic blunder. It will inflame tensions in the Middle East and destroyed any pretense Trump might have had for being a fair arbiter. The status of Jerusalem was going to be among the most important elements to be worked out in negotiatio­ns between Israel and the Palestinia­ns.

Since taking office, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has repeatedly isolated Canada by voting alongside only the U.S., Israel, and a few tiny Pacific island states against any and all United Nations resolution­s upholding Palestinia­n rights. So, in a sense, abstaining at the UN on this last vote is a step forward. However, in my opinion, Canada should not have abstained on this UN General Assembly resolution. The resolution is reasonable and in line with Canada’s supposed wish to support internatio­nal law and a negotiated two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinia­ns. The resolution was actually an initiative to instil respect for the peace process.

For Canada to abstain from a motion to uphold internatio­nal law and the integrity of UN resolution­s was bad enough. To stay silent in the face of chequebook intimidati­on by the U.S. to engineer UN votes is worse. Major allies like Britain, France, Germany and Japan did not stay silent — they voted against the U.S. move and for the UN resolution, threats notwithsta­nding.

Our government ought to show the same fortitude. David Rennie, Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War

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