The Hamilton Spectator

A Six-Letter Word



Cancer: a six-letter word that terrifies everyone. But for some of us, it is just part of our somewhat normal lives. At the age of 15, I was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia, CML. This is a cancer of your white blood cells, and it is very rare in children. It is also chronic, meaning it will constantly be a problem for the rest of my life. If this cancer was removed, then I would live a happier, less stressful life.

Living with cancer causes a lot of problems, including emotional and mental stress. To begin, I meet and befriend many people who are going to die or who have died. Although I do not regret meeting these people because they are truly beautiful and strong children, in the end, I would not have as much emotional turmoil if I had never met them. The baby who was in the hospital room next to mine unfortunat­ely did not win his battle. I had known him for three months before he passed away. I still cry about it to this day, even though it happened many months ago. I could definitely live without this emotional rollercoas­ter. Secondly, I frequently miss school. Due to continual appointmen­ts and constantly not feeling well, I am often not at school. I fall behind in my classes, causing me to become anxious because I am always trying to get on top of my school work. Nearly every Tuesday, I have clinic appointmen­ts, tests, and blood work, so I am late for school, or sometimes I don’t even go depending on the time I finish at the hospital. All of the missed school, and the stress that goes along with it, is most definitely something I can do without.

Without this cancer, I would live a happier, less stressful life. To begin, I would have more time to do the things I love. Instead of spending hours or days in the hospital, I would have more time to play sports and spend time with friends. This year, I had to quit school basketball because I would not have enough time and energy to play. It was really difficult for me to give it up. If it was not for my CML, I could have continued playing, and I would see my friends more often. Also, without cancer, I would not have as much mental stress. Whenever I feel the slightest pain or abnormalit­y, I automatica­lly think something bad is going on. I know it seems dramatic, but once you have been diagnosed with a serious illness, you are more prone to worry about the common cold or a minor headache. You feel like something else is wrong when it is not. You just don’t want anything worse to happen in your life. I can’t stand this feeling, and I would definitely be happier without this constant fear.

Cancer happens to be my reality, and without it, I would live a happier and less stressful life. While it has taught me so much, cancer has also taken away so much from me that I would love to have back. Now let me ask you this: what would do if your life changed forever?

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