The Hamilton Spectator

It is time to shake up your life a bit?


Something amazing happened to me this week. I just received my first paycheque as a freelance writer! One of the really great byproducts of doing the Fitness Solutions column each week is that I have been able to grow as a writer and develop skills that I didn’t have when I started 18 months ago. I couldn’t have imagined writing for pay outside of the health and fitness realm back then, but, this year it just seemed like the right time to try something new and different. Aside from this column, I wrote four blogs last month for the website of an accounting firm about tax credits, cloud-based bookkeepin­g and even artificial intelligen­ce and the minimum wage.

Last year, I was recovering from shoulder surgery that repaired two torn rotator cuffs. My recovery took the better part of six months and, aside from my clients, was the only thing that I could focus on. After several months of physiother­apy and then a successful transition back to the gym, I was ready for something new. The point being that; until I got over my physical ailment, I was not able to grow in other areas of my life. I was being held back, plain and simple. With this in mind, I really want to urge people to do whatever it takes to stretch a little in their lives. Get outside of your comfort zone and watch with amazement as things around you change. I have witnessed too many people “settle” physically and emotionall­y for fear of failing at something new.

If you aren’t where you want to be and you’ve gotten into the habit of just getting by, it might be time for a change. Here are six ways that you can shake things up and grow in your life. I promise you that once set in motion, your life will never be the same.

1. Learn how to meditate. Like a typical guy, I used to roll my eyes at the idea of sitting quietly and just “being.” Until I decided to study the practice, I just didn’t get it. One year later, I can’t imagine NOT meditating on most days. A mind that is quiet is one that allows you to focus on one thing at a time and truly excel at whatever that thing is.

2. Start cooking. Perhaps the most significan­t thing that you can do to improve your health and fitness is to prepare your meals from scratch. Once you start, you will have it no other way. Then … go out on a limb and cook for others.

3. Change your fitness routine. I know people who have been going to physiother­apy for years with no resolution to their back pain or have been taking spinning classes forever without losing the weight that they’ve wanted to. If what you are doing is not working, stop doing it and start doing something else. Challenge yourself to try something entirely new.

4. Do an “event.” No matter where you are at physically, find an event that requires preparatio­n and planning and then go for it. Whether this means running a marathon, completing a fivekilome­tre walk or taking tickets at a charity hockey game, commit and go through the steps up to the day of the event.

5. Do something for others. If you are living with pain or disability, it is so easy to focus exclusivel­y on your daily struggle. Try focusing on someone else that needs help even more than you do. It’s like a mini-vacation from your troubles when you are helping somebody else.

6. Lead. I know people who organize walking groups, hockey games and ski trips. Putting yourself out there in such a way makes you responsibl­e and accountabl­e to others. When you are the one that they look up to, it’s difficult not to grow into that role as a leader and as a person.

Medical Exercise Specialist Ernie Schramayr helps his clients manage medical conditions with exercise. You can follow him at erniesfitn­; 905-741-7532 or erniesfitn­

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