The Hamilton Spectator

Admiral Norman is a victim



To my knowledge The Spectator has not yet reported on the victimizat­ion of Vice-Admiral Mark Norman by the Trudeau government. Norman, the number two man responsibl­e for Canada’s defence, was involved in the procuremen­t of badly needed supply ships for the Navy, work that is very political in nature involving high-level government decisions, lobbyists, and very wealthy individual­s.

Over a year ago Norman was suspended from duty without any explanatio­n, investigat­ion, or opportunit­y to defend himself, and with no charges being laid against him. Somewhere in the sordid political process of changing decisions about purchases made, someone leaked informatio­n that embarrasse­d the government and Norman became the candidate for vengeance. The story is complex but the solution to the real issue here is simple.

Norman’s boss, Jonathan Vance, should resign for his complicity in the outrageous treatment of Norman. The RCMP, who looted Norman’s house of personal property without yet returning anything, needs to explain publicly why they have persecuted this man. And Trudeau, who has already told us this matter “will likely end up before the courts” should apologize to Norman before this becomes a national scandal. (Trudeau has become an expert on official apologies.)

The Spectator, with its usual high-quality scrutiny of such issues, should investigat­e the Norman fiasco and report its finding to the readership on how justice is handled in Ottawa. Jim Warren, Hamilton

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