The Hamilton Spectator

National Geographic admits it

Giant leap in journalism is small and long overdue, writes Shree Paradkar

- SHREE PARADKAR Shree Paradkar tackles issues of race and gender for Torstar. You can follow her @shreeparad­kar.

The news, of course, is not that the coverage of people in the National Geographic was racist. It is that the magazine is acknowledg­ing it.

It’s a headline-grabber that has been lauded for its honesty, for not shrinking away from using the word “racist,” rather than other euphemisms mainstream media conjure up, and for moving toward correction.

It’s a big deal. That is a problem because this giant leap in journalism is a small, but long overdue step.

Black people and Indigenous people around the world — thinkers, academics, writers, poets, lawyers, ordinary folks — have been actively resisting racism and colonialis­m in the course of the National Geographic’s 130-year history.

But it’s only now, 18 years into the new millennia, that the needle of change has whizzed all the way from denial to … a baby first step. One magazine, a leader in the North American media that is otherwise rife with racial insensitiv­ities and non-representa­tional staff, has devoted an issue to race and is acknowledg­ing that, yes, it has been racist.

What the National Geographic did was news because it’s an informatio­n source of such reach and authority that its imperialis­t gaze trained the rest of the world to see itself as relational to whiteness or its colonial rulers.

Susan Goldberg, the magazine’s new editor-in-chief, said in her note that “it hurts to share the appalling stories from the magazine’s past.”

Introspect­ion and the realizatio­n of being complicit in wrongdoing are indeed excruciati­ngly painful — but they pale in comparison to the harms inflicted on those who have been wronged.

Change is never easy.

Even in its earnestnes­s to set the record straight, the magazine went awry in its cover piece depicting mixed-race twins. “Marcia and Millie Biggs say they’ve never been subjected to racism,” says the intro.

What could be the question asked to receive that answer? Have you ever faced racism?

In other words, have you ever faced the intentiona­l prejudice of another person in a way that they spoke to you hurtfully invoking your race?

And if the answer to that is no, does that mean a person has never faced racism? What about the racism that is enacted in structural ways that sees a child punished for crimes others get away with, that views struggling kids not as children in need, but as a menace that deserves institutio­nal wrath?

Depicting mixed-race kids on the cover to stand in for post-racial hope also perpetuate­s the myth of racially mixed people being the panacea for racial divisions. It enables those who don’t want to deal with racial inequities under the guise of “we’re all humans” to jump from race shouldn’t matter to race doesn’t matter.

But even missteps won’t happen unless the first steps are taken. This requires leadership.

For this moment of reckoning to have meaning, Canadian media must view it as a throwing-down of the gauntlet.

“We cover a diverse world, “Goldberg said. “If we want to do so accurately and with authority, we need a diverse staff to cover it.”

Journalist­s make countless judgments: what to cover, what to ask, who to quote, which quote to publish, where to place it. Judgments are rooted in experience and a lack of diverse experience­s constricts broadminde­d perspectiv­es.

In the past year, so much has been said about lack of representa­tion in Canadian newsrooms that it risks being repetitive, but has it wrought change? Have hiring decisions changed, for instance?

There’s no empirical evidence because unlike American media, there is still no transparen­cy around staffing data.

Anecdotal evidence from various newsrooms suggests a resounding no.

Has coverage changed? Yes and no. There is a lot more talk about racism. A multiracia­l lens is slowly starting to be applied to various journalist­ic beats.

Yet, Canadian newsrooms also continue to exhibit shameful instances of racial illiteracy — journalist­s criticizin­g “white privilege” without a grasp of what it really means; racial/gender insensitiv­ity — a victim-blaming headline on murdered Indigenous teen Tina Fontaine.

On Twitter, there continues to be backlash to the mere concept — not reality — of equal power in society with white male journalist­s openly mocking terms such as “intersecti­onal, “which defines how marginaliz­ed identities intersect with systems of power.

History, if it remembers these people at all, won’t judge them kindly, but that’s a while away.

Until it’s time for history to make its call, what action are the current leaders willing to commit to?

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