The Hamilton Spectator

Is this still love?

- DEAR ELLIE ellieadvic­

Q. I’m 34, a mother of two children married for five years. In my marriage, I’ve experience­d so many horrible things — my husband cheating, coming home late without any excuse, sleeping away from home at night, not communicat­ing with me, etc. With all that, I stood firm hoping that things will change. But it’s getting worse by the day. He’ll go out, not return, and won’t phone to say anything. He changed his job without telling me.

I took his phone one-day and listened to a voice mail from a woman, discussing her pregnancy. And many more calls, which are heartbreak­ing. Any time I want to sit him down and talk, he’s not ready. I’ve loved him and done so many things for him out of love. Now I’m tired of him and I want a divorce. Is This Still Love?

A. No, this is not love on his part.

It’s also not respect for you, nor responsibi­lity for his children, let alone no regard for his marriage vows. You are also beyond loving or respecting this man.

The rejection and isolation he’s been showing you makes it almost impossible for you to save this marriage unless there’s clear and open explanatio­ns from him about what’s going on in his “outside” life. Yet, no couple with children should just end a marriage without some understand­ing of what’s happened.

You need to be proactive now, not a victim of his behaviour and silence about it. Get legal advice — especially to know your rights to matters of custody and child support. He also needs similar advice, despite his seeming indifferen­ce to the effects of ignoring his wife and children.

If legal costs are an issue for you, first do a search online about the laws on separation, child custody, etc. in your jurisdicti­on, and also whether there’s a family court clinic or legal aid clinic you can attend.

Also, check that your finances for household expenses, and yours and the children’s needs are secure, so that you’re not sudden- ly left without money.

Meanwhile, when you next see your husband, simply say: “Divorce and Counsellin­g.”

It’ll snap him alert to the seriousnes­s of your reaction. It will at least start a conversati­on between you about what’s happening and where it’s leading, unless he explains his actions and starts making serious changes.

How much to spend on bridal-shower gifts?

Q. My family’s in the wedding party of friends we’ve known for three years. I’m a groomsman; my wife’s a bridesmaid, my son a ring-bearer and my daughter a flower girl. We’re touched to be asked. However, I’m spending more than any other guest, with tuxes, dresses, hair, and makeup to cover! How much should I spend for bridal-shower gifts and wedding gifts?

A. While these friends have honoured your family greatly, they probably don’t realize your costs, being consumed with their own wedding bills. Neverthele­ss, you have to consider what’s affordably generous for your own budget.

Assess what you’d normally pay as wedding guests — sometimes calculated as the approximat­e cost of your “plate” e.g. around $150 per adult, less per child, say a total of $400. If that feels “cheap,” consider $500 — to-$600.

The bridal shower gift is separate and should reflect the close friendship, but again, within your means.

Feedback: Regarding the couple concerned with work and getting pregnant (March 21):

Reader: “My spouse and I faced a similar situation. He has a permanent position in his field, and I was on contract. We wanted to start a family, but there’d been talk at my company of opening a permanent position. We held off awhile, but since nothing changed, I figured I’d become resentful if I kept waiting on work to have a baby. So we started trying.

“The job did open, within two days of me discoverin­g I was pregnant... I figured that, in 2018, I could have it all. I applied for the job, disclosed my pregnancy in the interview although I wasn’t obligated to, and got hired. ”

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