The Hamilton Spectator

The success and failure of multicultu­ralism

- RAMA SINGH Rama Singh is a Professor of Biology at McMaster University, and member of Gandhi Peace Festival Committee.

On Oct 8, 1971, Canada made a “tryst with destiny,” to borrow a phrase from India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, and made a pledge to build a new egalitaria­n society.

A day will come when Canada will redeem its pledge.

Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau introduced the Multicultu­ralism Bill in the House of Commons with these soaring words:

“National unity, if it is to mean anything in the deeply personal sense, must be founded on confidence in one’s own individual identity; out of this can grow respect for that of others and a willingnes­s to share ideas, attitudes, and assumption­s. A vigorous policy of multicultu­ralism will create this initial confidence. It can form the basis of a society which is founded on fair play for all.”

Canadian multicultu­ralism will go down in history as a great experiment undertaken to humanize migration across the globe.

It is nearly 50 years since the multicultu­ralism came into effect. You may ask: Has multicultu­ralism lived up to the Canadian dream?

I argue here that multicultu­ralism has not lived up to the Canadian dream, at least not in the egalitaria­n sense, and that there is enough blame to go around — to the multicultu­ral community, to the government, and to Canada as a nation.

The underlying premise of multicultu­ralism was that by giving them freedom to speak their language and practise their culture, the newcomers will become secure, confident and proud Canadians. In this respect multicultu­ralism has been successful.

But the dream that multicultu­ralism would produce a new kind of global citizen who may live anywhere but who will promote goodwill and human values everywhere has not worked. In this respect multicultu­ralism has failed. It failed because it did not succeed in creating intercultu­ral-group linkages, a shared sense of unity and purpose.

Paradoxica­lly, rather than feeling confident and outward-looking, firstgener­ation immigrants as a group tend to be inward-looking, busy with their own cultural/religious groups,

and remain isolated.

Of course, it can be argued that this should not come as a surprise as first-generation immigrants are expected to be busy with their life in the new country, putting bread on the table, and looking after their children’s education.

That may be true, but it is also true that without soaring ideals and secular values, multicultu­ralism will wither away; worse still, it can turn Canada into a land of ethnicity, religious enclaves, and possibly even worse — bases for disenchant­ed youths and internatio­nal terrorism.

Let me give two examples of how multicultu­ralism can work or fail, from my own experience:

Faced with post-independen­ce rift between communitie­s in South Sudan, members of the local South Sudanese community approached McMaster University seeking help to bring the two communitie­s together for a dialogue.

A symposium on conflict and peace building in South Sudan was organized in 2014 as part of McMaster University’s annual Gandhi Peace Festival. The symposium was a success, and South Sudanese-Canadian community is busy working as a group to build peace in their ancestral homeland. This is multicultu­ralism at its best.

As a result of repercussi­ons following Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s military action against the Sikh Temple to drive out militants, a section of Sikh community in Canada has been

waging a militant campaign for a separate Sikh land, Khalistan, in India.

The bombing of Air India 182 in 1985, killing all 329 on board including 280 citizens or permanent residents of Canada, is understood to be carried out by members of this group.

Sikhs are a successful community. Tens of thousands of Sikhs visit India every year. Sikhs and Hindus live in peace. It is of concern that Canadian politician­s would engage in opening healed wounds and risk community harmony and make Canada-India relations look bad. This is not in the best spirit of multicultu­ralism.

The Canadian government has failed multicultu­ralism by not developing long-term policies and support for inter-group linkages and meaningful engagement­s. To make matter worse, political parties are engaging in ethnic politics for votes. This must stop or it will produce cultural castes that will kill the Canadian dream.

And as a county, Canada is also failing multicultu­ralism. The recent statistics of systemic racism against blacks, and prejudices against immigrants are dishearten­ing. Canadians need to be reminded that multicultu­ralism applies to all Canadians, not just immigrants.

Much work remains to be done before Canada will be able to redeem its pledge.

 ?? SCOTT GARDNER THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR ?? An event during the Gandhi Peace Festival in Hamilton. In some respects, Canada’s multicultu­ralism has been successful, but there are threats, such as identity politics, that threaten its future, says Rama Singh.
SCOTT GARDNER THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR An event during the Gandhi Peace Festival in Hamilton. In some respects, Canada’s multicultu­ralism has been successful, but there are threats, such as identity politics, that threaten its future, says Rama Singh.

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