The Hamilton Spectator

Declarer should never concede

- by PhilliP alder

Chess players say that you can never win a game if you resign. Similarly, a bridge player cannot make a contract if he concedes down one. Play on — you never know what might happen. Maybe an opponent will make an incorrect discard or renege.

Today's deal occurred during a six-table duplicate. How should the play go in five diamonds after West leads the spade queen?

North's negative double promised four hearts, but, as he had here, with only 6-9 points he could have five or six hearts. Some pairs would have made a three-heart weak jump response, but this would have been dangerous when partner might have had no hearts. Preempt with fit, not without.

Over East's nudge to two spades, South bid what he hoped he could make.

When the dummy came down, declarer could see three losers: two spades and one diamond. The best hope was to ruff a spade on the board. So, South ducked the first trick, playing the seven to leave West thinking that East wanted another spade led at trick two.

That happened at a couple of tables, and the contract made.

At one table, though, West astutely cashed the diamond ace at trick two, before continuing with another spade.

The contract was apparently hopeless. However, South won with the spade ace, crossed to the heart ace, returned to the club ace and ran all of his trumps. Each player had one card left. South had the spade seven, West the club king and East the heart king! So the spade seven took the last trick — contract made.

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