The Hamilton Spectator

Without mental disorders, we’d probably be extinct

We may be labelling more of the normal spectrum of human traits as abnormal


There seems to be an epidemic of mental disorders in our modern age, with more and more people acquiring a psychiatri­c diagnosis. In a recent Ipsos survey, 49 per cent of Canadians reported having experience­d a mentalheal­th issue at some point in their lives.

What’s going on?

Among several possible explanatio­ns, it could be that we’re labelling more of the normal spectrum of human traits as abnormal. Mental disorders are usually considered abnormalit­ies or illnesses, categorica­lly different from “normal” human experience. Part of the reason we have difficulty drawing a sharp line between mental disorders and normal traits may be because most mental disorders are more extreme versions of normal traits.

When psychiatri­sts call something a disorder, part of what they are considerin­g is whether the particular difficulty is causing significan­t and sustained impairment in functionin­g or significan­t distress. While mental disorders certainly can be disabling or distressfu­l, in many cases they may actually just be part of the spectrum of human diversity — just a little further toward the end of the continuum.

Imagine you’re a hunter-gatherer in Paleolithi­c times. Is it better to be a cautious type of person or an explorator­y risktaker?

Better to be someone who spends time meticulous­ly attending to details such as studying whether this is the hoof print of an injured animal — or someone who swiftly takes in the big picture of the surroundin­gs and makes snap decisions?

Different environmen­tal circumstan­ces will favour different types of people: in some environmen­ts it’s caution and attention to detail, in others, risk-taking, rapidly getting the gist of the big picture and making quick decisions. It takes all types of individual­s to increase the chances for a population to survive in unpredicta­ble, ever-changing environmen­ts.

Take anxiety. A certain amount of it motivates us, and alerts us to be cautious. But some people are prone to experience more anxiety than others, causing those individual­s greater distress and impairment in their functionin­g.

Those people might be considered to have a moderate “disorder.” They may be very sensitive, excessivel­y prone to nervousnes­s, stress and worry, emotionall­y reactive and uptight. Their sensitivit­y can be a positive trait too — they may be very emotionall­y attuned.

Those with the most severe, disabling anxiety are at the extreme end of the population spectrum for this trait and can be considered to have a severe disorder. At the other end of the curve are people who actually experience unusually little anxiety. This isn’t necessaril­y a good thing. Think of these people as relatively fearless and emotionall­y under-reactive. These people may take excessive risks and may be emotionall­y insensitiv­e. While they do not suffer or seek profession­al help, they are more likely to die in an accident. At the same time, these types of people would have been more likely to explore and colonize new territorie­s, which was crucial for the survival of the species.

Since the environmen­t changes unpredicta­bly, a population with diverse types of people will be more likely to survive as a

group in the long run than will a population whose members are all very similar to each other. In the environmen­t in which our species evolved for most of its history, having a little or lot of anxiety would both have been advantageo­us in different situations. All types were needed for the group to survive and thrive.

But why the apparent modern epidemic of mental illness?

Younger generation­s may be more likely to label personal difficulti­es as mental-health issues. It’s also possible that our fast-moving modern life is one culprit. Smartphone­s and social media are very recent and fastchangi­ng inventions: cultural and technologi­cal change may have outstrippe­d our capacity to handle the stresses they cause.

Modern societies have unusually skewed environmen­ts — highly structured, organized, specialize­d schools and detailorie­nted jobs. These environmen­ts favour those with more attention to detail and the other traits associated with being a focused person. Therefore, a larger proportion of people are experienci­ng their relatively short attention span as a “disorder” impairing their functionin­g and are diagnosed with an Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). People who are excessivel­y focused have difficulti­es too. They tend to be finicky, obsessive, and perfection­istic, and may tend to miss the big picture.

But why do extreme traits exist at all?

While extremes of a trait might seldom be advantageo­us, they are an inevitable result of genetic diversity. Statistica­lly, some individual­s in every generation will inherit more extreme versions of traits at either end of the spectrum. You can’t have a bell curve distributi­on of traits without the two extremes or “tails” of the curve. Diversity of traits is essential for a species to survive and evolve.

If this diversity, and the resulting mental illnesses, didn’t exist, we would have gone extinct as a species a long time ago.

Dr. Ralph Lewis is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and author of Finding Purpose in a Godless World. Dr. Benoit H. Mulsant is Chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto.

 ?? SHANNON FAGAN/DREAMSTIME TNS ?? Younger generation­s may be more likely to label personalit­y difficulti­es as mental-health issues.
SHANNON FAGAN/DREAMSTIME TNS Younger generation­s may be more likely to label personalit­y difficulti­es as mental-health issues.

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