The Hamilton Spectator

IUDs recommende­d as first choice for birth control for teens


TORONTO — Teen girls who are considerin­g contracept­ion should look to intrauteri­ne devices as their first choice as they provide the greatest protection against an unplanned pregnancy, the Canadian Paediatric Society recommends.

The position statement, the CPS’s first on the issue, was released Thursday during the organizati­on’s annual meeting in Quebec City.

Known as IUDs or IUSs, the small and often T-shaped devices are placed inside the uterus and are more than 99 per cent effective in preventing pregnancy, compared to 91 per cent for birthcontr­ol pills and 82 per cent for condoms, the CPS says.

IUDs, or intrauteri­ne devices, typically incorporat­e copper in their design, which is toxic to sperm; IUSs, or intrauteri­ne systems, release a small amount of hormones over time. Both act continuous­ly over the course of several years, but can be removed at any time by a healthcare provider.

“Intrauteri­ne contracept­ion and the long-acting reversible contracept­ives in general ... those should be your first line because they’re the most effective,” said Dr. Giosi Di Meglio, a co-author of the paper and an adolescent medicine specialist at the Montreal Children’s Hospital.

That doesn’t mean that young women shouldn’t choose the pill or other forms of birth control like a skin patch or injectable contracept­ive, she said in an interview from Quebec.

“What we’re saying is this should be an option and this should be something that we think about that leads our list of options.”

Di Meglio said that depending on the particular type, copperbase­d IUDs may not need to be replaced for five to 10 years, while the protective lifespan of IUSs ranges from three to five years, depending on the make.

The devices do carry a small risk of tissue perforatio­n during insertion through the vagina into the uterus, and doctors also monitor patients for possible bacterial infection for a few weeks after being implanted. But Di Meglio said such an occurrence is rare and can be treated with antibiotic­s.

Studies suggest that intrauteri­ne devices are not a direct conduit for infection, and there is a theoretica­l possibilit­y that IUSs may actually decrease the risk of infection, she said.

Still, the idea of having a device inserted may cause anxiety for some teen girls, and Di Meglio concedes the procedure can initially be somewhat uncomforta­ble.

“You get a few pretty intense cramps, but nothing more than you would have with a really bad period,” she said. “It subsides pretty quickly and then for the next few days, you might have a few cramps on and off.”

Di Meglio said a girl can get an IUD or IUS any time after starting menses and ideally prior to becoming sexually active. By age 17, about half of Canadian youth are having sex, the CPS says.

“We’re not recommendi­ng that this be used the minute the kid has their first period, but there are certain benefits in using the hormonal IUS, one of them being that it can reduce the amount of bleeding or also reduce cramping a lot,” she said.

While intrauteri­ne contracept­ion may be the most effective, the upfront costs of the devices are high compared with the birth-control pill or other methods, she said. But over time, the devices are actually more costeffect­ive than most other birthcontr­ol methods because of how long they last, said Di Meglio.

In Ontario, for instance, longacting reversible contracept­ives are fully covered for women under age 25, along with the physician’s fee for implanting the device.

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