The Hamilton Spectator

‘Incredibly smart’: ‘The Kid’ graduates from Mac

- ROSIE-ANN GROVER 905-526-3404 | @RosieSpec

the kid?

When Alex D’Souza started at McMaster University as its youngest student, the 14-year-old got more than a few sideways glances at parties in the dorm.

The boy genius was working on a chemical and bioenginee­ring degree, but “The Kid” wasn’t even old enough to use the gym on campus.

“I embraced it,” D’Souza says of the nickname. “It’s not like they were wrong.”

It stuck with him, even now as he’s working on his master’s in chemical engineerin­g at age 19.

“The Kid” graduates on Friday after successful­ly completing a double major in chemical and bioenginee­ring. Until then, he’ll continue working as a teaching assistant and as a researcher in the Bio-Interfaces Institute.

“It’s a big day for us,” says his father, Alfredo D’Souza. “We are thankful to God. We are blessed. We know Alex will go places and wherever he is, he will always be there for his family.”

His sister, Alexia, will attend the ceremony with their parents, while his other sister, Annalise, watches a live stream online. They are so excited, his dad says.

“I’m very proud,” says mom, Neomi. “He’s coped very well despite being so young. He’s been a good kid and a good example to others.”

D’Souza is hoping to complete his master’s degree by the fall of 2019, and get into the workforce right away.

“I don’t want to sit around any longer than I have to,” he said.

It’s a feat he is modest about, largely because he forgets he’s years younger than his peers. Most of his friends were only starting high school when he went off to pursue a post-secondWho’s ary education.

D’Souza grew up in Bahrain and India with his family. At two years old he started kindergart­en, then skipped Grade 7.

When they immigrated to Mississaug­a, he should have landed in Grade 9 based on his age, but after convincing his teachers that he had already covered most of the high school curriculum, D’Souza was put in the Grade 12 class.

Carlos Filipe, professor and chair of the chemical engineerin­g department at Mac, met D’Souza in his first year.

“I was worried that he was too young,” Filipe admits. “Would he be able to keep up with other students?”

It was a short-lived concern, Filipe says, because “The Kid” had no problems making friends and getting involved in extracurri­culars, including 12 different intramural sports.

D’Souza was elected president of the Chemical Engineerin­g Club by his peers and was just voted MVP on the varsity Ultimate Frisbee team.

“I see him as the best example of what we should be as a student but even a better person, ” Filipe said.

“He’s incredibly smart. I can see him running a big company one day. He’s always smiling. It’s pretty annoying actually,” he adds laughing.

 ?? BARRY GRAY THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR ?? Alex D’Souza, 19, has graduated from McMaster University’s engineerin­g program and has begun work on his master’s.
BARRY GRAY THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR Alex D’Souza, 19, has graduated from McMaster University’s engineerin­g program and has begun work on his master’s.

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