The Hamilton Spectator

Trump’s tirade sparks calls for calm

Incoming Ontario premier Doug Ford says he stands ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with PM


OTTAWA — Leaders from across Canada’s political spectrum voiced their support Sunday for free trade and opposition to U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum while denouncing the Trump administra­tion’s unpreceden­ted attacks on Justin Trudeau.

Among them were some of Trudeau’s fiercest critics, Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer and incoming Ontario premier Doug Ford, both of whom promised to stand with the government as it seeks to resolve what has become an all-out trade war with the U.S.

Former Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper, meanwhile, questioned Trump’s “obsession with trade relations with Canada” during an appearance on U.S. television.

All of the comments came after Trump unleashed a Twitter tirade against Trudeau following the G7 on Saturday, in which the president called the prime minister “dishonest and weak.”

Trump also threatened to go after Canada’s auto industry, a mainstay of the Ontario economy, in the same way that he has already done with its steel and aluminum sectors.

The tirade was enhanced by extensive comments Sunday from two of the president’s closest advisers who said the prime minister betrayed Trump in comments Trudeau made at the end of the G7 summit in Quebec.

Trump’s top economic adviser Larry Kudlow said Trudeau made Trump look weak ahead of his North Korea summit, while trade adviser Peter Navarro said there was a “special place in hell” for the prime minister.

“It’s certainly not helpful to have that type of language when we’re dealing with two government­s, two countries that have had a long history of mutual support, mutual co-operation,” Scheer told reporters during in Ottawa on Sunday.

“That’s why we have been doing what we can to present that united front when we’re talking about the benefits of NAFTA, when we’re talking about the benefits of free trade for both Americans and Canadians.”

That doesn’t mean the Tories support everything the Liberals are doing, Scheer added before listing a number of “missed opportunit­ies” to put pressure on the U.S. and make Canada more attractive to foreign investment.

Those include a failure to quickly ratify the 11-country free-trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p, as well as the government’s push for a national carbon tax and its refusal to cut business taxes.

Neverthele­ss, he said, “every time in history when there are these types of discussion­s, all Canadians who believe in free trade, political parties who believe in the benefits of free trade as a philosophy, as an economic policy goal, have worked together. And that’s what we are going to continue to do.”

Ford, a populist campaigner who has praised U.S. President Donald Trump in the past, similarly said on Sunday that he stands “shoulder to shoulder” with Canada’s Liberal prime minister because jobs in his province are at stake.

“My No. 1 priority is to protect jobs in Ontario, especially protect the steel workers, aluminum workers. That’s going to be a priority,” Ford said at Queen’s Park. “We’re going to sit down with our federal counterpar­ts. We’re going to stand united. I know all provinces should be standing united with our federal counterpar­ts and we’ll deal with that.”

Former prime minister Harper rounded out the conservati­ve triumvirat­e in an appearance on Fox News in which he noted that the deep trade relationsh­ip between Canada and the U.S.

The U.S. has legitimate concerns about trade with China and even Mexico when it comes to automobile­s, Harper added, “and I would be the first person telling our government to be a partner in those things because I think Canada shares those concerns.”

However, he added, “I don’t understand the obsession with trade relations with Canada.”

Conservati­ves weren’t the only ones offering support as Green party Leader Elizabeth May tweeted that the prime minister was handling Trump’s “outbursts” and “bullying” as well as anyone, and “all Canadian leaders need to support Trudeau.”

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