The Hamilton Spectator

Searchers find body of woman attacked by gator in Florida


DAVIE, FLA. — State wildlife searchers located the body of a woman believed to have been killed during an alligator attack in South Florida.

The body of Shizuka Matsuki, 47, was found in a lake in Davie, Fla., officials with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservati­on Commission said late Friday.

A witness told authoritie­s he saw the woman walking two dogs Friday and then noticed the dogs alone, barking near the water. One of the dogs had a fresh injury, a gash on its side.

Officials captured and killed an alligator later Friday and found evidence during a necropsy of the animal that it had bitten Matsuki.

“We would like to extend our heartfelt condolence­s to the family and friends of Ms. Matsuki,” conservati­on commission spokespers­on Rob Klepper said in a statement.

Two days before the attack, an emailed warning about a trespassin­g gator was sent out to homeowners in the waterfront community where she lived, the Sun Sentinel of South Florida reported Sunday.

Alligators are opportunis­tic feeders that will eat what is readily available and easily overpowere­d. Feeding wild alligators is illegal because they could lose their fear of humans.

Fatal attacks on humans remain rare, however. According to the wildlife commission, the likelihood of a Florida resident being seriously injured during an unprovoked alligator incident in Florida is roughly only 1 in 3.2 million.

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