The Hamilton Spectator

Women more hesitant to cycle due to safety

Councillor’s comment was uninformed, but it shines a light on real problem

- JAMIE STUCKLESS AND KATE WHALEN Jamie Stuckless is the executive director of the Share the Road Cycling Coalition and Kate Whalen is the chair of Cycle Hamilton.

We feel comfortabl­e on a bike while wearing almost any outfit. We’ve cycled in high heels, sport shorts, winter coats and, yes, even sundresses. But regardless of what we are wearing, we don’t feel comfortabl­e cycling in Hamilton on streets that lack safe cycling infrastruc­ture. It’s not our clothing that make us secondgues­s cycling across town, it’s the lack of safe routes to ride.

The City of Hamilton is investing in building more cycling infrastruc­ture, including the Cannon Street cycle track. The Public Works Committee recently voted to make this facility permanent and to add more protection. We applaud this decision. The Cannon Street conversati­on raised an important question — why do fewer women cycle in Hamilton than men? Some guesses were made as to why women account for only 30 per cent of people who cycle in Hamilton, including the highly-retweeted guess from Coun. Lloyd Ferguson that woman are uncomforta­ble cycling while wearing sundresses. But we don’t have to guess, we know why fewer women are cycling. We cycle less because we don’t feel safe.

There are many opportunit­ies to increase cycling safety, including protected infrastruc­ture. A comprehens­ive review of over 50 cycling studies concluded that women have a stronger preference for separation from motor vehicles while cycling than men do. It is not surprising that in places that have invested in safe cycling infrastruc­ture, like the Netherland­s, women account for 55 per cent of people who cycle.

Building more and better cycling infrastruc­ture will help more women hop on their bikes, but it will also benefit everyone who wants to ride. A 2018 opinion poll tells us that 41 per cent of Ontario residents want to cycle more and that two-thirds would be encouraged to cycle if there were bike lanes and trails connecting them to where they want to go. Interestin­gly, this demand to cycle more is equal between men and women, as is the desire for better infrastruc­ture.

While the comment about sundresses was uninformed, it shines a light on a very real issue. The councillor’s remarks opened the door for input on how to help make cycling a real choice for more women and safer for everyone. Let’s use this as an opportunit­y to highlight the benefits of safe cycling infrastruc­ture and the need to build a transporta­tion network that works for everyone in Hamilton. Join us at the next Cycle Hamilton meeting on June 26 and be part of the conversati­on. Follow @CycleHamil­ton on Twitter for details.

 ?? JOHN RENNISON THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR ?? Cyclists head off to work along the Bay Street bike lanes from city hall on Bike to Work/School Day. Cycling advocates Jamie Stuckless and Kate Whalen write: “We do not have a safe and connected cycling network.”
JOHN RENNISON THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR Cyclists head off to work along the Bay Street bike lanes from city hall on Bike to Work/School Day. Cycling advocates Jamie Stuckless and Kate Whalen write: “We do not have a safe and connected cycling network.”

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