The Hamilton Spectator

Frustrated by online dating

- DEAR ELLIE ellieadvic­

Q. I’m female, attractive, independen­t, early 40s, happily divorced. I’m emotionall­y ready for dating and a possible relationsh­ip.

But it’s increasing­ly hard to meet new people, so I’ve turned to the internet.

When a profile or message piques my interest, it often results in me doing a onesided interview.

I’m asking all the questions and the man’s providing short answers without asking anything about me.

I get frustrated and bored and see that he wasn’t interested in learning anything about me.

I assume he’s either uninvested in the process, too shy for my liking, isn’t really single, etc. I move on.

But this happens about 99 per cent of the time.

Am I giving up too soon/expecting too much?

Is there a general expectatio­n that a woman should be pursuing a man and divulging everything about herself without being asked?

Should I do all the work because that’s just the way it is now online and in social media?

A. Online or in-person, you’ll still have to be true to yourself when considerin­g whether to date someone.

The “strong, silent type” just doesn’t appeal to you. Stop worrying about what you’re “missing” from uncommunic­ative strangers — you wouldn’t know more until you spent a lot of time together (besides, many of them only want a one-night stand).

If something attracts you in the profile, say what it is. Ask a few questions, and then say you’re ready to answer his.

If you get nothing back, move on.

It’s rare that people click immediatel­y online unless they’re dealing only in superficia­ls, e.g. looks and emoji responses.

Some people are confident (or desperate) enough to meet right away.

That’s obviously not on your comfort level. Meanwhile, get out with friends; go to community/school/faith or job-related events. Be with people in person.

You may or may not get lucky online. But you’ll definitely meet new people if you go where others are socializin­g, too.

Mother’s relationsh­ip troubling

Q. I’m the mother of two teenage boys. My mother, 69, a non-English speaker, has lived with my family for 16 years.

She visits back home every year. Although very sociable, she’s dealing with depression (on-off medication) and feels uprooted. She has a very controllin­g personalit­y.

Several years ago, I created a Facebook account for her.

She’s not tech-savvy, so I’ve been using my account for it, but she’s using her own iPad. She’s currently overseas.

I noticed some notificati­ons about Facebook messages from people with suspicious-seeming names/profile pictures.

I found she’s apparently engaged in some “inappropri­ate” behaviour with a man, early-20s, for several months.

Recently, they’ve had their first sexual, unprotecte­d, encounter.

The conversati­on is very “descriptiv­e.” She’s even mentioning the pain from intercours­e.

I’m worried about her safety, her mental state and his intentions.

If I try to tell her this, she’ll be very embarrasse­d and think I’m spying on her.

While I understand her desires and needs as a widow, and agree she has every right to a relationsh­ip, I think that someone who could almost be her grandson is the wrong person.

He’s an almost stranger (what about STI’s?) who could have financial benefits from this as well.

What do I do?

A. Protect your mother.

Drop everything and visit her for a week. Explain how you learned of her “boyfriend.”

Tell her your concerns.

Meet him.

If she assures you she’s not vulnerable to financial demands, and if she accepts that she must insist on protected sex, then her “relationsh­ip” is her business.

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