The Hamilton Spectator

Confining kids shouldn’t be part of the job for immigratio­n agents

- HASSAN YUSSUFF Hassan Yussuff is the president of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC).

When asked about the controvers­y surroundin­g the separation of migrant children from their parents, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau remarked that “this is not the way we do things in Canada.”

He’s right, to a certain extent. The situation in Canada is not as stark as what we’re seeing in the United States where more than 2,900 children have been detained between May and June alone. Yet a total of 595 minors have been detained at Canadian immigratio­n holding centres in the past three years. Forty-three were unaccompan­ied by an adult.

We need to be asking why children — including Canadian citizens — are being held in jail-like detention facilities at all in this country, even if it’s with a parent.

We should also be wondering how confining people who have committed no crime is impacting the workers tasked with placing them in conditions no one would want for their own families. I can’t help but imagine how I would feel if my nine-year-old daughter was held in a facility where she had little access to fresh air or education, and was constantly monitored by security personnel.

The confinemen­t of even one child should be unacceptab­le to every single one of us, particular­ly as we recall with shame this country’s legacy of residentia­l schools.

Any policy of detention — even as a “last resort,” as outlined in Canada’s Immigratio­n and Refugee Protection Act — must be treated as a violation of the human rights of children.

Furthermor­e, there has been no discussion about the impact of harmful policies, even when unintended, on the workers who have to implement a system of rules that potentiall­y hurt much more than they help.

It needn’t be this way at all.

In a 2017 proposal titled, “Ending immigratio­n detention of children,” the Canadian Council of Refugees called for a series of amendments that include providing “community-based alternativ­es to detention for families” and providing “designated representa­tives to separated children” so that someone is always looking out for them. The government has made some progress on these issues but must continue to bring a human rights lens to all of its immigratio­n policies.

Any adjustment­s should include reexaminin­g the Safe Third Country Agreement, which requires migrants entering Canada through the United States to be turned back to have their refugee claims heard south of the border. It is clear that America’s new immigratio­n policies fail the safety test.

“We should make crystal clear that we will not be complicit in (Trump’s) mistreatme­nt of refugees,” wrote Lloyd Axworthy, former foreign affairs minister and current chair of the World Refugee Council, in a recent commentary piece.

The “we” in his statement includes our border and immigratio­n agents who are dedicated to protecting our country and to serving its people. We shouldn’t require them to do anything we wouldn’t want to have done to our children.

 ?? MARTIN TREMBLAY LA PRESSE ?? A child at a temporary refugee camp near Lacolle, Quebec, in August, 2017. The confinemen­t of even one child should be unacceptab­le to every single one of us, particular­ly as we recall with shame this country’s legacy of residentia­l schools, writes...
MARTIN TREMBLAY LA PRESSE A child at a temporary refugee camp near Lacolle, Quebec, in August, 2017. The confinemen­t of even one child should be unacceptab­le to every single one of us, particular­ly as we recall with shame this country’s legacy of residentia­l schools, writes...

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