The Hamilton Spectator



One of the “Suitcases of Resilience” by Esen Bahram is among the art on exhibit in Personal Narratives: Stories of Migration, Settlement and Resilience currently on at the Workers Arts and Heritage Centre. The suitcases are designs expressing and exploring the resilience demanded and found by these artists in their migration and settlement to a new Canadian home. Elements in each suitcase have a symbolic significan­ce unique to the experience of the artist. INSIDE Story and photos from Personal Narratives: Stories of Migration

SUITCASES FILLED WITH small, personaliz­ed items that form a narrative; a mobile of birds with inscriptio­ns; video of a group working together to create a large mandala; and 12 minutes of human generated sounds blended into one cohesive soundscape. These are immigrant stories told through art installati­ons on display at the The Workers Arts and Heritage Centre.

The exhibit, titled “Personal Narratives: Stories of Migration, Settlement and Resilience,” showcases pieces from the (Nu) Links program — a pilot program operating out of Centre(3) that provides free creative workshops led by artists for newcomers to Canada. The program is a partnershi­p between Centre(3), Wesley Urban Ministries and the Workers Arts and Heritage Centre, with funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

Over the course of five consecutiv­e Saturdays starting in May, participan­ts took part in workshops to create pieces to show how migration and settlement had affected them. In addition to newcomers, the workshops were also open to settlement workers and Indigenous and Canadianbo­rn community workers.

(Nu)Links co-ordinator Hitoko Okada said including settlement and community workers was important since many are immigrants and the ones who are not could share their perspectiv­e with the group from the other side.

Through the process of sharing their stories, participan­ts could “learn to be heard and seen and valued for (their) stories”, said Okada, who described this sharing process as “unifying” for the group. The main goal was “to use the art to create and build bridges in the community for newcomers.”

Participan­ts used video, sound and tactile techniques to create pieces that communicat­ed their experience­s with migration and settlement from different perspectiv­es of the journey. Each piece was tackled in one of the weekly workshops led by different artists.

The pieces are currently on display at the Workers’ Arts and Heritage Centre on Stuart Street in Hamilton, until Aug. 17.

 ??  ??
 ?? JOHN RENNISON THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR ?? Artists in the exhibit include, clockwise centre top, Sharon Trottier, Nuor Nawabeet, Nrinder Nann, Beverly Horton and Esen Bahram. Personal Narratives is on display at the Workers’ Arts and Heritage Centre now.
JOHN RENNISON THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR Artists in the exhibit include, clockwise centre top, Sharon Trottier, Nuor Nawabeet, Nrinder Nann, Beverly Horton and Esen Bahram. Personal Narratives is on display at the Workers’ Arts and Heritage Centre now.
 ??  ?? Telling immigrant stories through collage.
Telling immigrant stories through collage.
 ?? PHOTOGRAPH­Y BY SCOTT GARDNER, THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR ?? This bird, which is part of a larger mobile of similar pieces, was decorated by Hitoko Okada, one of the lead artists for the Personal Narratives.
PHOTOGRAPH­Y BY SCOTT GARDNER, THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR This bird, which is part of a larger mobile of similar pieces, was decorated by Hitoko Okada, one of the lead artists for the Personal Narratives.
 ??  ?? One of the suitcases, left, by Sharon Trottier.
One of the suitcases, left, by Sharon Trottier.
 ??  ?? A colorful collage, right, by Maria Eugenia Lemus Valenzuela.
A colorful collage, right, by Maria Eugenia Lemus Valenzuela.
 ??  ?? A collage by JoJo Harley at the Workers’ Arts and Heritage Centre.
A collage by JoJo Harley at the Workers’ Arts and Heritage Centre.
 ??  ?? A more modern and contempora­ry-looking collage by Sharon Trottier.
A more modern and contempora­ry-looking collage by Sharon Trottier.
 ??  ?? One of the suitcases in Personnel Narratives is by participan­t artist Esen Bahram.
One of the suitcases in Personnel Narratives is by participan­t artist Esen Bahram.
 ??  ?? This one is by Nuor Nawabeet. The stars in the box represent those in the night sky.
This one is by Nuor Nawabeet. The stars in the box represent those in the night sky.

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