The Hamilton Spectator

Ford’s trail of illegal promises will cost taxpayers in the end

- MARTIN REGG-COHN Twitter: @reggcohn

Doug Ford’s summertime show of shock and awe has gone shockingly awry.

The rule of Ford has come up against the rule of law — and had its comeuppanc­e in court. The premier who presumed he had unchalleng­ed power to zap carbon pricing, attack sex-ed, target Tesla and meddle in Toronto elections is getting tied up in legal knots.

Even if none of his ministers dares stand up to Ford, a sitting judge had no hesitation speaking truth to power last week. More may soon follow.

In the first of Ford’s legal confrontat­ions, he was trounced by Tesla — that emblem of elitist environmen­talism. The Tories had tried to make an example of the luxury California carmaker by depriving it of rebates flowing to competitor­s. But Justice Frederick Myers wasn’t buying it — lambasting the government for acting in an “egregious” and “unlawful” way. He also ordered it to pay $125,000 for Tesla’s legal costs.

Smart government­s focus on wise legislatio­n, not wild litigation. Let us count the legal battles looming over the Tories after two months in office:

Government lawyers were in court last week defending the premier’s impulsive meddling in the middle of Toronto’s municipal elections. They had to explain why Ford ordered a virtual halving of representa­tion after candidates had begun campaignin­g and fundraisin­g — an interventi­on without precedent. A baffled Justice Edward Belobaba asked rhetorical­ly whether the premier had bothered to seek formal legal advice from his attorney general before interferin­g: “I’ll bet the answer’s no.” Government lawyers wouldn’t say.

The Canadian Civil Liberties Associatio­n sought a court injunction against the government’s arbitrary rollback of the updated sexual education curriculum (reinstatin­g a dated, two-decade-old version). The Tories want all parents consulted (father knows best), ignoring the 4,000 parental representa­tives from schools surveyed for the 2015 update written by panels of pedagogica­l experts.

Recipients of a minimum income program prematurel­y cancelled by the Tories have launched a classactio­n lawsuit. More than 4,000 impoverish­ed people enrolled in the pilot program — set up on the recommenda­tion of Hugh Segal, a former Conservati­ve senator (and adviser to ex-premier Bill Davis) — which the Ford campaign explicitly pledged to keep going.

All these legal costs pale beside the $30 million budgeted by the Tories to fight Ottawa over a federal carbon tax triggered by Ford’s cancellati­on of Ontario’s cap-and-trade program.

How long until the families of overdose victims sue the government for recklessly endangerin­g lives by suspending emergency prevention sites on the flimsy grounds that more evidence is needed? Bad enough that the premier ignores outside evidence on sex education; how can he flout the medical consensus on overdose prevention?

While Ford keeps talking up bucka-beer, he has convenient­ly forgotten his campaign promise to provide beer in corner stores. Just as well, as that would expose the province to major legal claims for breaching a 10-year contract negotiated in good faith with major supermarke­ts and the Beer Store when the province liberalize­d alcohol retailing in 2015.

Will Ontarians be bamboozled by buck-a-beer? His proudest policy “gives a little relief to people across Ontario that want to go in, buy a cold beer, go to the grocery store, buy some steaks, go home and have a cold beer,” proclaimed the premier (who himself does not drink alcohol or eat red meat) with a straight face.

Ford boasts (selectivel­y) that a promise is a promise, implying he won an unassailab­le mandate as the all-powerful leader of “Ontario’s First Government of the People” — end of argument. It’s hard to imagine judges accepting that line of reasoning.

Government­s cannot act in capricious, discrimina­tory and arbitrary ways. For all Ford’s incantatio­ns and repetition­s about “Promise made, promise kept,” his own inconsiste­ncies prove the opposite. He broke his public promise to maintain the minimum income program, and he has reversed his vow to stop the Bala Falls hydroelect­ric project (a recklessly unaffordab­le promise, as he grudgingly acknowledg­ed last week).

On the campaign trail, Ford studiously ignored the maxim that it’s best to under-promise and over-deliver. It paid dividends for him on election day, and during the honeymoon that followed.

That’s how the political pendulum swings. The scales of justice operate differentl­y.

After the summer honeymoon comes the fall. We will all pay the price for promises that were not just ill advised but illegal.

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