The Hamilton Spectator

She wants another baby

- DEAR ELLIE ellieadvic­

Q. How do I, without a blowup, discuss my feelings for wanting another child with my husband of eight years?

We have a five-year-old daughter. He has three boys from a previous marriage — from teenage to early-20s — whom I’ve been raising since they were two, eight and 10.

We waited a long time to marry because of issues with my husband’s ex, and court.

When our daughter was a baby, my mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Suddenly, my life as a new mom was very stressful, busy and hard. I’d love to have another child and enjoy that short-lived baby time.

We would’ve entertaine­d this sooner but my mom passed away and time flew by. My husband is nine years older than I am and I feel my biological clock is ticking.

A. You two have been through a lot — from his divorce troubles through raising his sons, to a daughter’s birth, and the loss of your mother.

You were partners through it all. Now he’s apparently resisting you — perhaps due to his age, or the practical concerns of supporting and educating a fifth child.

Your biological drive to get pregnant while you can carries some weight. Yet, the stated reason — for you to enjoy baby time — isn’t strong enough to help him change his mind. Make your approach as much about him as suiting you, and you’ll have a better chance.

Here’s the best argument that I often hear: the youngest child born to an older father is often the one that keeps him feeling young, and is around longest with youthful interests and activities that engage him and the whole family.

Fiancé and daughter clash

Q. I met my now-fiancé online and we spent a year getting to know each other through Skype before he moved across the country to live with me.

He knew that my daughter, 19, lived with me and they “met” on Skype. But when he arrived and moved in, they were both un- comfortabl­e.

My fiancé didn’t try to build a relationsh­ip with her. She moved to her father, which she’d never wanted to do previously. Six months later, it’s been a good move as she and her father are finally getting along well, and he’s encouragin­g her continued education.

She and I communicat­e almost every day. Yet my fiancé is still distant with her.

She visited a couple of days ago and he stayed in our room, saying he needed to straighten out his papers. It was very rude. Later, I asked why he avoided her and he said he “couldn’t drop everything just because she decided to visit.”

I’m very upset and can barely talk to him. Should I tell him I’ll break up with him if he won’t accept my daughter as part of our life?

A. Don’t rush to an ultimatum. Instead, tell him how you feel, without casting blame — i.e. you’re hurt and worried about how this can affect you as a couple. Calmly ask how he feels about it, and how he thinks it affects things between you.

If he doesn’t get how important this is to you, or insists that it’s your daughter’s fault, you two need counsellin­g or your relationsh­ip won’t last past another cold “visit.”

State it positively: you want to try, together, to rise above whatever went wrong before. If he wants that too, then getting counsellin­g together is a commitment on both your parts to face problems and find ways to handle them.

Advice for adopted teen

Feedback: Regarding the young woman, 18, whose birth mother notified the adoption agency that she wants to contact the teenager (Sept. 10):

Reader: “I, too, was given up at birth and was then adopted two weeks later.

“When I was 30, my birth mom found me. I had the full support of my mom. If nothing else, I learned some health history.

“We became friends and I introduced her to my mom on Mother’s Day. We stayed friends until my birth mother’s death. I made sure she knew she was a friend, and my mom was always my mother.

“I agree with you that this is something that needs to be discussed with her mom and dad. She shouldn’t feel guilty.”

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