The Hamilton Spectator

A big loss and a bigger gain


Jorge Posada, a long-time catcher for the New York Yankees, said of arguably the best-ever closer: “There will never be another Mariano Rivera. He was a friend and a champion of a teammate.”

It helps at the bridge table if you have good teammates ... as one pair did on this board from the World Youth Team Championsh­ips, played two months ago in China.

First, though, look only at the North hand. With your side vulnerable, East opens three diamonds. After two passes, what would you do?

With 17 high-card points, you can hardly pass. To double with only two hearts is dangerous. To overcall three no-trump is unappealin­g with that inflexible diamond holding. Still, three no-trump would be the choice of most players, and was for Colin Deheeger of the French junior (under 26) team.

West doubled for penalty. That would have gone down 1,100 or 1,400, but South ran to four hearts. West doubled even more happily. After the dust had settled, South was down six, minus 1,700.

When the team scored up at the end of the session, and this board was reached, North-South said, “Sorry, minus 1,700.”

Their teammates replied, “Win 15!”


Baptiste Combescure (East) had opened four diamonds! After two passes, North understand­ably doubled. South advanced with four hearts, doubled by Julien Bernard (West). Now North chose to make an SOS redouble, asking his partner to pick a black suit. However, South did not have one, so he passed. Four hearts redoubled cost 2,800!

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