The Hamilton Spectator

Twilight turns 10

Fans hated Pattinson as vampire at first


As the first “Twilight” movie turns 10, many remember the screaming crowds and frenzied fan adoration for the film’s vampire lover Edward Cullen, played by Robert Pattinson.

Few remember the online outrage that roared when the thenunknow­n British actor was cast. Twihard legions hated that Pattinson was chosen to play Cullen to Kristen Stewart’s human Bella Swan, director Catherine Hardwicke recalls.

“People were like, ‘He’s revolting. He’s disgusting,’” Hardwicke says of the early days of the super-franchise, which took $3.4 billion in worldwide box office.

To be fair, “Twilight” fans were going to have a hard time with any actor playing their beloved Edward from Stephenie Meyer’s bestsellin­g young-adult novels, much less the question mark of Pattinson. At that point, he had only a small part as Cedric Diggory in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” to his name.

But the director knew she had a hot-looking young actor who showed chemistry with Stewart (his future offscreen lover). The couple’s electricit­y was such during their audition at Hardwicke’s home that Stewart insisted “it has to be Rob” afterward.

Playing the undead legend was difficult to live up to for Pattinson.

“The book says Edward Cullen is the sexiest guy in the world. Robert was like, ‘How do you play that?’ I told him to just stay in the moment and be there,” says Hardwicke. “He took it dead seriously and got in terrific shape so he could look like a strong vampire.”

Hardwicke set up a photo shoot to show off her in-shape, cleanedup Pattinson in full Edward Cullen mode. Releasing those pictures “turned the tide,” she says.

“When we posted those, everybody was like, ‘OK!’ “says Hardwicke. “All the negativity went away.”

 ?? KIMBERLEY FRENCH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in "The Twilight Saga.”
KIMBERLEY FRENCH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in "The Twilight Saga.”

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